Question & Answer

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What is Basketball for you? Is it fun? Or is it boring?

Well, if you asked me it depends on the person that is playing it

And did you know that basketball can change a certain person? Yes? or No?

Yes, it can change a certain person and it depends on what happened to that person, you should already know about that because the answer is really obvious

For you what is a promise?

For me a promise is a certain word that can never be forgotten, once you made it you should guarantee that the promise you made is granted, you can never turn away from a promise that you made because sometimes a promise can break someone... badly

What would you feel if the promise that was made with you was broken?

Of course for me, It'll hurt me like there's no tomorrow and it depends on the promise, if the promise was important to that someone it can break them literally, so for all those people out there who keeps promising to others make sure you grant those promises

Will you change? or will you continue living like nothing happened?

*sigh* how many questions will I ask? and in the end I answer my own questions...

But I promise that this will be the last question, so back to the subject...

As I said before, it depends on what kind of promise was made, big or small it still hurts the person that you made a promised with... if it doesn't hurt them, it bothered them that you could forget something so important... so don't go around making promises that you could not grant...

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