noodles and Dragon scroll

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"Po! What are you doing up there?" Mr.Ping asks his son "Uh, nothing! " Po said and hops to his feet and faces his action figures. 

"Hi-ya! Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! Grrraahh—"

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"Hi-ya! Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! Grrraahh—"

"Hi-ya! Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! Grrraahh—"

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 Outside on the balcony of the neighboring house, a pig watering flower stares at Po

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 Outside on the balcony of the neighboring house, a pig watering flower stares at Po. Po tries to play it cool and then quickly ducks out of sight.

"Po! Let's go! You're late for work!" Mr. Ping yells to Po from downstair "Coming!"Po takes a ninja star from his floor and chucks it at the wall. It bounces off. He throws the star again, but it bounces off again. He quickly picks it up and heads downstairs where he trips and falls the rest of the way. He falls flat on his face on the kitchen floor. A panda-shaped shadow looms over Po.

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