Want to hear the truth?

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Hey everybody! I debated posting this story so much, but I have finally decided I would! It's just some fun, and completely made up, but I will be following timelines, certain events etc! I study English and Literature/ journalism so writing this was so enjoyable for me because I love writing so much! This is my first time writing a fanfic, so I hope it's okay and you like it! Eeeeek! Here you go, it's super long for one chapter but I didn't want to shorten it down! Feel free to leave me your opinions, I would love to hear some feedback 💝

(Author POV)
"Can you believe it's all over?" Gaga sighed her way into her make up chair. Taking a look at her brunette hair for the last time, as Sarah, her makeup artist and friend began helping Fred, her hair stylist, by spreading blonde hair dye through her locks. It's been a while since they did that.

"Babe, it's not over. Just this part is. Think of all the things ahead. Premiers, awards season, even seeing the movie for the first time! There's so much to look forward to." Sarah knew her friend so very well, so she knows she puts her all in to everything, and this film was her all, for a very long time now. She knew she was scared for that to end. Scared and sad.

"Yeah Stef, you know this whole process doesn't just finish now that the filming part is over, there's months and months of fun things and events to come after this." Fred squeezes her shoulder lightly. Feeling for his friend.

"You're right. Just will miss seeing Brad every day."

They knew very well that was a big part of it. The bond the pair had formed was clearly something that didn't come often. It was actually quite extraordinary to watch from the outside. Those once in a lifetime kind of things.

"Stef, trust me when I say you'll see him just as much as you did. That man would drop everything anytime you want to see him. You know that."

"I know, but he has his own career to get back to, his own family.. I'm just afraid of him eventually moving on from me. From our friendship."

"Stef. You're in his life forever. That's one thing I can tell you."

Gaga nodded. Parts of her knew that. She wasn't an insecure person. But it's not often you have a connection with someone like she does with Bradley. She didn't want to ever lose that.

"Where's that sister of mine?" They heard Natali announcing herself downstairs. Loud as always. It made the two of them chuckle.

"Up here!" Sarah shouted.

"Oh my god you're going back blonde already!" Nat excitedly squealed upon her arrival.

"Yeah I need to." She shook her head. Her sister sat down next to her, rubbing her leg.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah no, of course. I just need to get rid of Ally right now. At least the appearance of her. I just am feeling her loss so hard. Just think it'll help if I don't see her every time I look in the mirror. I know it's silly." She laughed lightly.

"It's not silly. It makes sense" Natali shrugged. "Not looking like her, will help try get over it all. I know it's a film, but I know you took it hard."

"Yeah. I miss the blonde anyway, Gaga wants to come back with a bang." She joked, winking to them.

"What time are we heading to Bradley's at?" Natali asked.

"In like 2 hours." Sarah said checking her phone.

"Is Chris coming?"

"Yeah. I think so." Gaga shrugged. Natali rolled her eyes to herself. Not being the mans biggest fan.

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