Chapter 1

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 (Niall's P.O.V.)

        I sat in my room staring at the ceiling fan. It spun round and round blowing cool air on my tear stained face. I literally have never been this heartbroken in my whole life. She left, just walked out saying she wasn't in love anymore. I however can't stop thinking of her. I loved her. I still do. She was perfect for me, or so I thought. 

        The door opened letting in some light from the hotel hallway, I didn't bother to look over to see who entered my room. It was probably one of the boys telling me its time for a show. "Niall, you ready for the show?" Harry asked in a calm quiet voice. He treats me like a child, all the boys do. I wish they would just leave me alone, or treat me like an adult. 

        "Yeah just let me change, I'll meet you guys in the lobby." I finally forced a smile onto my face and look toward him. He nodded and left the room without another word. The second the door closed my fake smile fell and a thin line replaced it. I don’t think I have genially smiled sense she was with me. Why did she leave? What did I do? These are the questions I have asked myself every minute, of every day.

        I finally pushed myself out of bed and threw on some clean clothes. I brushed my teeth and ran out the door. I looked at the time and realized we were already suppose to be at the stadium. I quickly darted down the hall. I decided to take the stairs because the elevators are always so slow. I opened the door to the stairs and ran faster than I thought I ever could. I was probably about halfway down when someone hit my chest. I reacted quickly grabbing the person’s waist saving them from falling down a flight of stairs. 

(Camila's P.O.V.)

        I was walking up to my room. I guess the elevator was broken so the stairs were now my only option. I'm on vacation with my family and as much fun as going to some museum sounded (note the sarcasm) I would much rather watch a good movie and eat some popcorn and skittles or Hershey chocolate.

        Just as my thoughts drifted towards the temptations of candy I ran straight into someone's chest. I would’ve fallen down a flight of stairs if they hadn't caught me. I looked up to see bright blue eyes staring right back. "Thank you" I said to the handsome boy who saved me from probably breaking a few bones. He didn't smile or anything he just nodded and his lips kept in a straight line.

        "You shouldn't be thanking me, I almost just put you in the hospital." His Irish accent said. I smiled "Where you from?" I asked basically already knowing the answer. I just needed to hear him talk again. "Ireland." He wasn't much of a talker was he? "I’m sorry about all this but I'm running late so maybe I'll see you around" he said. I smiled at him. "Okay but what’s your name?" 

(Niall's P.O.V.)

        Do I tell her my name? She hasn't fangirled or anything yet so I guess it's safe. "Niall" she nodded. "Well Niall, it was nice running into you, literally" she paused to laugh at her own joke and I smiled along with her. "I guess ill see you around" I nodded and we both walked our separate ways.

        I decided running wasn't the best idea after that encounter. That girl was beautiful though, I should have asked for her name. I’m so stupid! She is the first person in months to make me laugh or smile. 

        I finally made my way to the lobby and saw the boys looking very annoyed. "Sorry I'm late" I said. They waved it off and we made our way out the door into the HUGE crowd of people. Not just any people, our fans. We stopped to take pictures and my fake smile returned for them. One of the girls seamed really sad and I got concerned, I decided to go talk with her.  

        "Hey love, are you alright?" she smiled kindly and nodded yes saying, "I'm okay but you don’t seam very happy." I looked at her surprised. I quickly thought of my response and decided that she deserves the truth. "I'm not the happiest right now, but seeing you guys makes it all better" That was a lie, nothing is making this better. "Is this about a girl?" the fan asked. "No, I have some family problems." that was a lie too. I could tell she wasn’t convinced but let it slide.

        The boys and I finished signing some autographs and hopped in the car to go to the stadium for tonight’s show. Everyone in the van was talking and laughing but I just stared out the window watching the lovely city of New York zoom by, with one thing on my mind. The girl from the stairs. She was beautiful, and I let her slip away. How could I be so stupid?

(Camila's P.O.V.)

        I was on the couch watching some TV when a commercial for some boy bands album came on. The songs seemed pretty good. I liked it. I think they were called One Direction. My best friend loves them, she lives back in California. She obsesses over the one with curly hair. The add was almost over when I noticed a certain Irish boy pop up on the screen and I was quick to pause it. I stared at the screen before it finally sunk in. I ran into Niall Horan from One Direction. Weren't they having a show here tonight? I wonder if I could go try to get in? I decided it was worth the shot and ran down to the lobby to get a cab.

       Once I got there I paid the driver and got out. I looked around and saw thousands of people all dressed in similar band gear. I heard screams and looked around trying to figure out what was going on when a van pulled up right in front of me. 5 boys got out and quickly got out and started running with security guards around them. I saw blonde hair and new it was Niall, I called his name and he turned around and saw me. He looked surprised but ran toward me, grabbed my hand and we started running after the other four boys. 

        "What are you doing here?" he asked/yelled. "I just wanted to see if I could get tickets to hear you sing. Wanted to know if you were as good as the commercial I saw made you out to be." He smiled and said, "Keep running and we will see if we can get you in" I nodded and we sprinted even faster toward the entrance. 

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