Chapter 2

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(Niall's P.O.V.)

        I can't believe that the girl came all the way here to see me. She must really like me. I found myself smiling. I haven't smiled sense she left me. But this girl has changed everything. I can't believe I still haven't asked her name. I looked over at her and she was breathing super hard along with me and the boys, "Well boys that’s the most physical exercise I've had sense... well I don't really know. I don't do a lot of exercising." They all laughed at my joke and looked between the girl and me. I noticed her and me were still holding hands. I lifted her hand and pressed my lips to it and she looked at me, blushing really hard. I chuckled and Zayn spoke up, "Glad to see your back in the game" I looked at him and smiled sadly. "Oh, we aren't dating." I frowned. "Not yet anyway" she threw in right after me.

        I looked up at her and smiled. "Well if we are going to get anywhere I think I should learn your name first" She opened her mouth to interrupt but Harry cut her off. "Wait, wait, wait! Hold on! You don’t know her name? I don’t get you...." he trailed off. I laughed and said, "well I was about to learn this beautiful girls name but you interrupted." I looked over at her signaling for her to go on. 

        She smiled saying "Camila, and you, Niall are a very sweet boy" I thanked her and Paul, our head security guard, walked in. "Boys your on in 20 minutes, who's this?" I smiled staring at Camila. Evan her name is perfect. "Camila" Liam continued on, "Niall brought her." I smiled and Paul looked surprised and smiled at the her, "Well seeing as you brought life back into this little Irish lad, you're welcome to stick around as long as you would like" 

(Camila's P.O.V.)

        "Thank you,” I replied to the security guard. "Well the boys have to perform in 18 minutes but you are welcome to stick around backstage and watch from the sidelines as the other boy's girlfriends do. I smiled and nodded. Then he walked out. 

        "So what are you guy's names?" I asked 'the boys' as everyone kept saying. "I'm Louis,” the boy with long hair and blue eyes said. Then the curly haired boy smiled saying "I'm Harry" I smiled "Well I'm going to call your curly" He laughed and nodded. "I'm Zayn, nice to meet you" I smiled and gave him a hug in return. "And I'm Liam" The one with a snapback said. I hugged them all and Niall grabbed my hand shaking it. "I'm Niall, have we meet before?" I laughed at his cheesiness. "No I don't believe so" He quickly pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back. "Want to grab dinner after this? Just us two?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and gave him one last squeeze before letting go. 

        All five of the boys had to leave to go get ready but I was escorted to the right side of the stage. I saw three other girls standing there. Including Perrie from little mix! I love her! "Hi, you must be Niall's friend! I'm Sophia, It's nice to meet you and this is Perrie and Eleanor" I smiled and we all talked and got to know each other a little better. I guess the opening act was supposed to come on any second. Wonder who they are? Just as the question ran through my head someone bumped into me. "Sorry love, didn’t see you there" I looked behind me and saw a boy with red hair. "It's alright, what’s your name?" I asked. He looked at the stage and said, "I have to go, we will continue with after my set." I was confused till I realized he must be part of the opening act. I nodded and he ran out there.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

        Zayn and me were warming up our vocals and bouncing around getting ready for tonight’s show. "I can't believe It's already our last night in New York" Harry said. "Wait what?" I asked/yelled, "Its our last night here?" Harry smiled and said, "Yeah sorry man, but we have 2 days here before we go to the next stop." I frowned but nodded. 2 days. I have 2 days with Camila before we leave. It's not much time, but I'm going to make it count.

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