Chapter 3

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(Camila's P.O.V.)

        The boy's girlfriends and I were watching the opening act, who I learned were named 5 Seconds of Summer. They were really good, and the one with red hair was AMAZING at guitar. They just finished their last song and all ran off stage towards us. I was smiling and they gave all the girls a hug and introduced themselves to me. The drummer was Ashton, Bass player was Calum, The guitar player/singer with blonde hair was Luke, and the one with bright read hair (not like orange, I mean dyed bright read) was Michael. 

        We talked with them for a while and it was so fun they are hilarious. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard on my whole life. Michael was telling me how they wrote some of their songs when someone grabbed my hand and spun my around. I was confused till I realized it was Niall and my smile widened. "Where have you been?" I asked. "We were warming up, we go on in less than a minute I just had to say hi to you first. I nodded and gave him a hug telling him to have fun and then he was gone.

        I turned back around to see Michael staring at me sadly. "What's wrong?" I asked moving over to give him a hug. "Are you and Niall together?" "No, but I really like him" He nodded. And walked away. Well that was weird

        I was going to go after him but Eleanor, Louis's girlfriend, pulled my toward the side of the stage saying the show was starting. I let this one slide with Michael but I was going to find out what was wrong.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

        I ran out on stage with the biggest smile on my face, the fans screamed and the boys and me started singing. It was probably the best show we have had! And I haven’t said that in a long time because I've been too upset to have any fun. But now I have Camilla.

        Am I crazy? Am I falling to fast? Maybe I am. But I couldn’t care less. She made me smile, and laugh, and she makes my heart skip a beat. She is like an angel sent from heaven to rescue me. I really like her. I wonder if she is watching? I looked over and saw her beautiful face and smiled at her. She waved and gave me thumbs up. I couldn't be anymore happy right now.

(Camila’s P.O.V.)

        The concert just ended and they were amazing. Niall’s is truly gifted. They all are. Niall ran of stage and gave me a huge hug. "EWWWW!! Niall you’re all sweaty" He laughed and winked at me. "Oh please you love it." I shook my head at him and whispered. "I'll like it better after you shower."  

        He looked at me playfully and my eyes widened as he started moving closer to me. I knew exactly what he was going to do. "Niall don't you dare" I said backing up. He smiled and asked, "Are you ticklish?" I knew it! "No" that was a complete lie. "So if I tickled you, you wouldn’t laugh." I tried keeping a straight face but I’m a crappy liar. I finally cracked a smile. And he started chasing me around trying to tickle me. 

        I was about to grab Zayn and hide behind him but Niall grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I started laughing as he started tickling me. I was VERY ticklish, probably too ticklish. But it wasn't my choice. It's just how I am.

        (1 Hour Later)

Niall's and I were just heading out to go grab some dinner. We would have left earlier if Harry hadn't challenged Niall to play some video game. They are so childish, but I love it. "Where do you want to go?" Niall asked cutting off my train of though. I smiled, "Honestly I don’t care, I'm not picky." "What about we just get some McDonalds and go back to my room to watch some movies. I nodded, sounded good to me. 

       We called for a cab and sat on the curb to wait for it to come. Niall was taller than me even when we were sitting down. I looked up at him and saw him staring at me. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked kind of starting to freak out and get nervous. "No, you're just so beautiful." I elbowed him saying "Not to bad yourself" He laughed a little at my cheesy comment.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

        "Do you live in New York?" I asked. She shook her head and sighed. "No I'm from California, I wish I lived here, it’s a nice change from beaches and sunshine all year long." I nodded completely understanding. That was part of the reason I went to audition for x-factor. Mullingar, my hometown in Ireland, is so small. There isn’t much to do there, but I had a great child hood. "When do you and the boys leave for the next stop on the tour?" she asked sadly. My heart sunk knowing she wouldn’t like the answer, maybe she could come with me on tour... No I don’t want to pull her from her everyday life. She is probably still in school and has a job and a great family in Cali.

        "I leave in 2 days for Miami, and until then you aren’t leaving my side." I pulled her in for a hug making it last as long as I could, praying I would never have to let go of my princess.

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