Hey, I'm Katalinah!

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Okay, so I know you're probably wondering, what in the HECK is going on with this chick? Well, I say that we should start from the beginning. My name is Katalinah Johnson and I am 20 years old. I decided to chill with my parents for a year before heading off to college. I am half-Spanish and half-black. I have long, wavy thick hair that can't stand the humidity. I am a deep olive brown and have two large dimples. I'm more on the curvy side, but I'm trying to watch my figure. I mean, them carb intakes, though! I've always lived a good life. My mom and dad are still married, I get along with my little brothers, we live in a predominantly white neighborhood, white Pickett fence, the works! My dad works for a big-shot corporation, and my mom does catering services. Well, the only thing is that my "mom and dad" aren't really mine, but they're my aunt and her husband. But, I mean, I think of them as my parents. They've been taking care of my before I could even dress myself. My aunt tells me that they died in a car crash, but I don't believe that. They're still here, maybe not in Cali, but in the US. Okay, now I'm pretty sure you want to hear about my true love whose number I just deleted. His name was Jamal Sanders, obviously. We met in our seventh grade year, and after one month of being in the eighth grade, he asked me to be his girlfriend. We've been inseparable ever since, and i love his sex! Shit, I love sex period! Jamal is freaking gorge! A 6"1 mountain of wavy faded, muscular, chocolately deliciousness! Speaking of first true love, he was MY first. The way he always made love to me, I knew he was a keeper. I wanted the life that every girl dreams of having, but on the night of our three year anniversary, he had twins by one of my friends, Camilla. I mean, is he serious right now? When she came up to me and told me that, I had no words. Behind my back for 2 years?!? I was telling you how he was putting ol girl to sleep and makin her release some of her "natural juices", and you already knew? But, even though I knew, he didn't know I knew, so I just waited for him to tell me. After about 2 days, I told him I knew, he flipped out and broke up with me. Now, I'm living with my best friend, Richard in his condo on the coast of San Fran. My 'rents didn't like him to begin with, so I'm not going to go cry to them... Right?

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