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October 5, 2012. Friday. 16:29

Dear Diary,

This day is the worst. Compared to those days that he didn't leave any message. Cause today, he finally messaged me but guess what? It's not totally sweet and reassuring. It just scared the hell out of me. It's like he's not the one I used to talk to. It's like, he changed a lot. I don't know how to respond to his message to me at first because I don't know, I'm just not prepared to reply. But of course I did reply after some moments and all I did was to be "cold" and I replied as short as I could. You know what being a "cold" person means right? So there. And then, of all the things that he's supposed to forget, why does it have to be the words, "I love you"? That broke my heart a little bit. And the fact that there's a possibility that his family hates me for him, it hurts so much. I don't know what to do anymore. Should I continue loving him or should I stop, as early as now? I don't want him to be a rebel or a badass. It just so happens that I want to make things easy for him, that I want him to be the good guy. I don't know. I may not know what he's going through, that maybe he's having a hard time because of how his family is treating him. But one thing's for sure, I want to make things easy for him, even if it means that I have to make sacrifices. I'll do it, just for him. And you know what I mean by "Sacrifice"? :)



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