
22 0 1

October 05, 2012. Friday, 08:09

Dear Diary,

Did you know that this morning, I cried? YEAHH. I'm so EMO that time. The reason was I'm trying to keep my mind busy since I always miss that freakin' guy of mine so I decided to open our TV. Then I changed the channel to TvN, the korean channel available here and I forgot the title of the show but it's somehow like the "We Got Married" show because there are couples and they have missions to accomplish. Anyways, the first mission of the couples is to hold hands, and after seeing them do that, my eyes teared-up. It just made me miss him more. I seriously wanted to go to his place because I miss him so much, but I can't. Since I'm here in PH and he's miles, miles, away from me. It sucks, really. Then I keep on imagining him and me, holding hands together while we're dating. And that he'll walk me home and he'll kiss me on my forehead before he goes back to his house. Aish. Why Am I suffering like this? Can't we be happy now? We're always encountering problems and I'm not sure how to deal with it. Like seriously. I once decided to hurt myself and I ended up pinching my arm until it looks like it's going to bleed, some of the skins were peeled, and it looked like my allergies just acted up. It didn't turned out pretty. Diary, I gotta go! I need to take a bath for my extra classes today!


Me xx

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