Today's the day

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Today is the day I turn 3 years sober,I know crazy right?But other than that today is the day my life changes drastically. I've been having this idea in my mind for as long as I could remember but I wasn't really ready until now. Having a family of my own has always been a dream of mine. I always wanted to be married to the love of my life and have kids but things really never go as planned so I decided that in order to get my dream accomplished I would have to do it myself with no husband hopefully he comes later but for today I'm ready!

      Demi POV

I woke up to my alarm going off right next to my face,as I turned the alarm off i turned around and was once again falling asleep when suddenly i remembered that today was my meeting with the foster home agency!  I quickly jumped out of bed and hurried into the shower,after getting ready a went down the hall to double check that the room I have been renovating for the child I was about to foster were ready. After I went to the kitchen and grabbed my self a water bottle and a energy bar for breakfast and rushed out the door.

Demi:Hi my name is Demi Lovato and  I'm here for a meeting with Mrs. Garcia.

Secretary:Ok have a seat and we will call you when we are ready for you.

Demi:Ok thankyou

I am so nervous to be here I can't believe that my dream might come true today!!As I was sitting in the waiting room I received a text from my mom which by the way no one knows what's going to happen today.

Momma bear💕:hey honey just checking up on you!hope you have a good day today  I love you soooooo much!

Demi:thanks mom i love you more say hi to dad for me!

Momma bear💕:will do sweetheart

Secretary:Ms. Lovato Mrs. Garcia is ready for you. Down the hall second door to the right.


As I reached the door I saw this lady who looked not much older than my mom.

Mrs.Garcia:Ah ms. Lovato we have been expecting you please come in and have a seat.

Demi:Thankyou. (I said sitting down )

Mrs.Garcia:So Ms. Lovato it looks here that you have send a request application to become a foster parent correct?

Demi:yes that's correct. And I know that I'm not married but just wanted to know if that's a bad thing.

Mrs.Garcia:No not at all,all we look for is for our potential foster parents or parent in this case to be financially stable and responsible. And I see here that you are a singer and artist so you are financially stable in our standards.

Demi:yes for me money is no problem.Also I would want to know if there is anyway possible for me not to recive any payments for the child...Of course that is if I do qualify...

Mrs.Garcia:well that's something we don't hear very often but I'm sure we can do something about that.ill look into it.

Demi:Thanks if you can't then I would just give money to a charity or children's hospital.

Mrs.Garcia:That's a good option,So you passed your home expection and everything else seems to be in order.

Demi:That's great!(I said with a smile)

Mrs.Garcia:yes it is,also since you are a celebrity are you going to be traveling out of the states? If so I could have the judge sign a letter saying that you could travel with the child for work purposes.

Demi:Well for now I'm not going to be on tour but I am working on my new album so most likely I would have to travel and I wouldn't want to have to leave the child. Also if I have to work I have the ability to take the child with me where ever I work.

Mrs.Garcia:Very good then I would have that letter send out to you as soon as possible.So Ms.Lovato Last thing to ask are you only looking to foster a child or do you want to do foster to adopt?

Demi:sorry what's the difference?

Mrs.Garcia:well If you would like to do just fostering you would only have the child for a couple months and then we would switch them to another foster family but if you want to do foster to adopt you will have the Child for a year and after the year you could choose to either adopt the child or not.

Demi:foster to adopted! (I said without hesitation)

Mrs.Garcia:Ok very well, Ms.Lovato everything seems to be in order so with that said you are officially now a foster parent.We will Call you as soon as we have a child available to you.

Demi:Oh My God thankyou so much!(I said shaking her hand)

Mrs.Garcia:No problem at all have a good day.

Ok guys this is my first time doing fanfiction please let me know what you guys think!

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