I need you.

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                           Demis POV

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off and I quickly turn off the sound and turn around to see my babygirl sleeping peacefully with her hair all over her face. She looked adorable. I got up as quietly as I could and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine which consisted of brushing my teeth and washing my face.  After I finished I went over to lexi and started to shake her awake.

Demi:baby it's time to get up love. Come on.(I said kissing her cheek.she just pulled the covers over her face.)

Lexi:Ok momma.(she said while yawning. I couldn't help but giggle.)

She got up and I took her to her bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth then we went to her room to pick out her outfit. Shes at the age where she wants to pick out her outfit all on her own. Last week she wore a fancy dress with fuzzy socks. I like to let her have a say in what she wears at least. Sometimes I do tell her no though like when she wanted to wear a long sleeve shirt with shorts and rain boots. Today she actually did really good I got her dressed and combed her hair. She looks so adorable I had to take a picture and post it on Instagram.

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ddlovato:I normally don't show my baby's face on social media but she looks so cute! She picked her outift herself! 😥💕💕💕#babygirl #stopgrowing

Nickjonas:my sweet baby💕

Maddelagarza:My 💜!! Come over today @ddlovato!

Selena:ok I'm obsessed!

Demi:Alright baby let's go have breakfast!

Lexi:Momma is daddy coming? (She asked while walking down the steps.)

Demi:yea he said he was so we have to hurry!

Once in the kitchen I see Marissa making French toast for everyone. I made lexi a plate and also myself. By the time we were done eating I heard the doorbell go off.

Lexi:Daddy's here momma!!(she said jumping off the chair and running towards the door.)

Demi:baby slow down please!

I opened the door and there he stood. Lexi jumped in his arms to hug him.

Nick:hi babygirl. I missed you so much.

Lexi:me too daddy. (She said still hugging him.)

Nick:go get your backpack love.(he said putting her down and she ran upstairs. )

Once she was up stairs nick came closer to me and grabbed my hand. I didn't pull it back I just cried. I missed him. I missed his touch. I missed everything about him. I wanted to be strong but I couldn't. Especially not now. I have been wanting to talk to nick about something I found out 3 days ago. I know he would be happy. I know I am but I don't want him to come back just because he feels he needs to. I have to tell him either way.Once he saw me crying he took me in his arms and hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

Nick:babe please don't cry. I hate seeing you hurt. I'm sorry. I really am you have to believe me.

Demi:I believe you.(I simply said.) Can you come back after dropping off lexi?I need to talk to you.

Nick:of course. I'll be here right after.( he said still hugging me.)

After nick left marissa had to go and do somethings for jack so I was waiting for nick to arrive from dropping off lexi and Mackenzie. I was so nervous to tell him what I found out.  What if he decided he didn't really love me. I went into the kitchen to make myself a tea hoping it  would calm me down. After about 15 min a hear the doorbell ring and my nerves kick in again. I calmed myself as best I could and opened the door.

Nick:Hi again(he said with a smirk and I couldn't help but blush.)

Demi:hey. (I said moving aside to let him in.)

Nick:babe before you say anything I just want you to know how sorry...(he started but I cut him off.)

Demi: nick... listen I know your sorry and I accept your apology. Im just hurt that you don't trust me like you said you did. I love you nick. I've loved you since forever ago and that's never going to change. I know what it feels like to do something wrong and you can't take it back.... (I said looking down at my hands. And took a deep breath before I start crying.)

Nick:I do trust you demi. It had nothing to do with me  not trusting you. I just didn't want to hurt you. But I did and I will never forgive myself for that. I feel like the worst guy in the world for hurting you like I did. Please give me a second chance. I want to gain your trust back if it's the last thing I do.(he said holding my hands. At this point I was crying.)

Demi:nick.... I'm pregnant.(I blurted out.)

As soon as I said it I felt a weight lift off my shoulder. I was relieved that I didn't have to keep it from him anymore. He looked shocked. He didn't look mad or upset just shocked.  Before I could comprehend what happend I was in his arms. He was hugging me so tight I was worried for a second but he let go and I could see tears in his eyes.

Nick: are you serious? ( he said smiling at me.)

Demi:yea.(I said wiping my tears and smiling.) I found out 3 days ago so I'm not sure how far along I am I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow afternoon.

Nick: can I come? (He said looking down.)

Demi: well no shit sherlock.... its your kid.(I said shoving him playfully.) Look whatever happend between us has nothing to do with our kids. They are a different story. I would never deny you time with them.

Nick: so no second chance? (He said looking disappointed.)

Demi: I don't want to be hurt again nick... I've been hurt to many times.

Nick:babe I promise you I will never hurt you intentionally. (He said taking my hands again.)

Demi:ok.... ok I'll trust you.(I said hesitantly)

Nick: thankyou... I promise I will do whatever it takes to get your trust back.(he said hugging me. Then he gently pulled me in for a kiss.)

After what seemed like forever when we finally pulled away. God I missed him. I know for a fact that nick would never hurt me intentionally. What happend with priyanka was just a drunken mistake.

Demi: I missed you. (I said with my face in the crook of his neck.)

Nick:Me to... you have no idea. I didn't even ask you how do you feel about the baby? Are you ok?

Demi:yea. I mean it happend sooner than I would have wanted but we can't do anything now. I think I want to take a brake from my career. I want to raise my kids without worrying about me having to be away at tour. I want to live in a farm actually in Texas. That would be amazing...

Nick:babe I'll support everything you decided even moving to Texas to live in a farm.(he said laughing.)

Demi:baby you don't have a choice.(i said pecking his lips and getting up.) Lexi is going to be so excited we are ok again. She missed you.

Nick:me to. Seeing her on the weekends wasn't really what I want to do ever again.

We spent the rest of the day talking about anything and everything. Until we had to pick of lexi. When we told her she was more then happy. We just have to tell her about the baby.

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