Her father is who?

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                      Demi POV

It's been one month since I had Lexi with me and everyday I fall more in love with this little girl!I put her in speech therapy to help her with her speaking since she still refuses to speak much but shes getting better!one new word she says now on the daily is mama!the first time she called me mama I cried my eyes out and screamed and called everyone I knew pretty sure she was scared but nonetheless she still calls me mama! Another thing we are working on is separation anxiety! She only trust one person other then me and thats Selena!She never really likes to leave my side I take her with me everywhere! The days I cant take her that's when Selena comes in!she adores her!this weekend tho I have to go to new York for a promo since I'm going to be back in the X Factor and I would not be able to take her with me since it's a one day thing and i dont want to stress her out with flying so frequently! The bad part is Selena won't be able to watch her since shes in London touring so my mom offered to spend time with her so she could get used to her so shes been coming for dinner lately so she could get used to her before I leave her. I've never really been away from her for more then a couple of hours let alone a whole night!hopefully everything goes well!

last night I brought lexi to my room because she had a fever and I felt more comfortable with her sleeping close to me. Its 7AM and I couldn't get my self back to sleep so I decided to go and make myself a coffee and attempt to make some breakfast! I get up slowly so I won't wake Lexi up,I want her to rest up now that shes sick with a cold. I go down stairs and make a coffee as I'm sitting on the couch I see Lexi's file that Lucy left for me the day that she brought Lexi to me.Ive been so busy with Lexi and work that I forgot all about her file.i grab it and start reading it. It says Her mom is in prison for child neglect and abuse as well as for selling drugs.The abuse must explain Lexi's nightmares.  When I turned the page to read about her father I see a familiar name and cant help but gasp.i couldn't believe it her father was no other then Wilmer valderrama!My Ex boyfriend! The last time I heard anything about him was 8 years ago and the last thing that I heard was that he was in some heavy drugs but I never heard anything about him having a child let alone him going to prison for 5 years.... I couldn't believe that I had Wilmer's child. Of course none of this changes the feelings I have for lexi. In exactly 11 months Lexi will be my daughter legally! As I continue reading I hear a little voice.


Demi: I'm coming baby!

I run upstairs and see Lexi having trouble breathing I quickly go and put on her nebulizer. In a couple of minutes her breathing normalizes.

Demi:How are you feeling my love?

Lexi:sick mama....

Demi:I know babygirl you will feel better soon I promise. Are you hungry?

She shakes her head  and whines

Demi:you have to eat something baby you'll feel better pleaseeee for mama?

She finally agrees and I go grab her a strawberry yogurt with some blueberries that's her favorite but she only takes two bites and she refuses to eat anything else.the rest of the day was us being lazy and watching movies my mom came and made some chicken soup which Lexi ate more then half. I told her about Wilmer being Lexi's dad and she was worried and concerned.

It's the weekend and Lexi is finally getting better!she only has a slight cough.Today's the day I leave to New York. I wake up quite early and pack my bag quickly with just a couple pairs of clothes since I will be back tomorrow night.i get Lexi ready and head down to my moms house i try and explain to Lexi what's about to happen but she doesn't completely understand yet...when we get there I unbuckled lexie and grabbed her bag and headed inside. I was there for a bit but if I didn't want to miss my flight I had to leave.

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