don't take her

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Demi POV

Demi:I have too make a phone call baby stay with Selena ok?(i said while I put her on Selenas lap)

As I walked out I quickly grabbed my phone and called Lexi's social worker to find out what is going on.

Lucy: Hi this is lucy.

Demi:Lucy hi I'm Demi Lovato... Lexi's foster mom.

Lucy:Demi!of course!how are you is everything ok?

I told her what was going on.

Lucy:well I'm looking at his police reports and it looks like he was let out on bail a couple weeks ago. You said he has been looking for lexi?

My heart dropped when she said those words.

Demi:yes... yes he's been seen at her school... he told her that she was going back with him soon... I'm just scared that he would try to take lexi away. Could he take her away?

Lucy:Well not legally no... Let me talk to my boss and see what we could do... I'll call you in about 30 minutes?

Demi:yes of course I'll be waiting for your phone call.

With that I hung up and made my way towards my daughter. She was watching a movie on the iPad with her headphones on. Selena immediately came to me.

Selena:So... what's going on?

Demi:he got out on bail a couple weeks ago...(I said bringing my hands to my face)

Selena:what!!shit... ok so what's gonna happen?

Demi:Well Lexi's social worker told me he can't get her back legally...

Selena:you think he will try to get her back another way?

Demi: I don't even know what to think anymore.... I want to say he wouldn't do anything stupid like kidding napping but he already has been to her school...

Selena: I don't want to think that he will ever take her like that... why don't you just put a restraining order against him?

Demi:because legally lexi is still not my daughter... I can't do anything legal with her.

Selena: well there's got to be something you can do...

Demi:Her social worker is going to call me back...(I said trying not to cry In front of lexi)

Selena: dems... everything is going to be ok I know it... have you called nick?

At that point I grabbed my phone and called him.

Nick:hey beautiful. What's up?

Demi:Hey... umm (I said with my voice cracking)

Nick:demi... what's wrong why are you crying? Is lexi ok?

Demi:sorry... yeah shes fine... we're fine but um I just found out wilmer is out of prison...(I said taking a deep breath)

As soon as I said that I heard nick grab his keys and the door close indicating he was on his way.

Nick:He what!!? Demi... did he do anything to you or lexi?? Cause If he did I sware I will kill him...

Demi:nick.. he went to Lexi's school and told her that soon he will be with her again... he said he will take her when I'm not with her...(I said crying again) nick you can't do anything...

Nick: I'm on my way.

With that he hung up and I went to sit next to my baby.

Lexi:momma(she said looking up at me)why you crying?

Demi:Mommy's just tired babygirl... not a big deal. (I said while I kissed her head)

Lexi:dose your throat hurt from singing?

Demi: yea that's it.(I said with a smile)ready to go home?

Lexi:yea!is aunty Selena coming to momma?

Demi:yup!let's go.

I grabbed lexi and placed the blanket on her so the paparazzi wouldn't have pictures of her. I walked out with max in front of us and Selena holding my hand. Once home we were getting dinner ready when I heard the doorbell ring. I knew it was nick so I went and opened it. He came in and just hugged me. I couldn't help but cry into his shoulders.

Nick:Hey its ok... I won't let him hurt you or lexi... ever. Has he tried calling you or anything?

Demi:no... hes just been to Lexi's school. I'm not sending her back.

Nick:I think that's the best thing right now until everything sorts out.

With that I see Selena walking in with lexi on her hip.

Lexi:Nick!(she said practically jumping out of Selena's arms)

Nick:There's my princess... how are you?

Lexi:good we're cooking!

Nick:Good!let's go finish up!(he said placing lexi on his back)

As soon as they walked out my phone started ringing.


Lucy:Hi demi its lucy

Demi:Hi lucy!

Lucy:ok so I talked to my boss and he gave me two options.


Lucy:well the first one would be for us to take back lexi... and from there she would no longer be your responsibility.

My heart stopped when she said that... I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Demi:what's the second one...

Lucy:well the second one would be for you to adopt her as soon as possible so you could do what you have to do legally to protect her.

Demi:I'll adopt her.(I blurred it out)when can I adopt her?

Lucy:Are you sure?

Demi:absolutely... what do I have to do?

Lucy:well ok then!we have to get this done as soon as possible... can you come to my office tomorrow morning so we could fill out some paper work and have the judge sign off on the adoption. Lexi would be yours that same day.

Demi:of course I'll be there. Thanks so much lucy.

With that I ended the call and went into the kitchen too see all three of them setting the table.

Nick:You look happy...

Demi:yea I um got some huge news...lexi baby go wash your hands in the bathroom for dinner yeah?

Lexi:ok momma (she said skipping out of the kitchen.)

Selena:so what's up!?

Demi:well I just got off the phone with Lexi's social worker... she told me I could adopt her as soon as possible... I have an appointment tomorrow morning to fill out adoption papers...(I said placing my hands over my face)

Selena&Nick:WAIT WHAT!!!?

Selena: are you serious! (She said jumping on me...literally. )

Demi:yes I am!I'm beyond happy for this!she's going to be mine forever!!

Nick: I'm so happy for you demi!!!

Just then I heard the doorbell ring again. As I was about to walk to get the door I hear lexi scream. All three of us ran out to see Wilmer with lexi in his arms.....

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