The Time Reversal

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Teacher: Class anyone tell the the areas in Japan that were bombed in World War 2

Y/N: Uh fine Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Teacher: And what was the Japanese attack of the US called

Y/N: Pearl Harbor... these are too easy man I'm getting so bored, that might pass ou-

You pass out

You hear thunder and lighting going off and see it pouring. You get off the ground

Y/N: Where the hell am I, if this is some a senor prank I swear to god I'm about to Ora Ora the shit out somebody

You see a figure


Max: Wait Y/N what are you doing here

Y/N: I don't know I thought this was a senor prank or something last thing I remember I was in class

Max: We got to get to that light house

Y/N: Yeah I rather not die thank you very much

You too walk to the light house

Max: Holy shit

Y/N: Since when does Max Caulfield swear... oh holy hell that's big!

Debris hits the lighthouse

Y/N: Max look out!

You wake up

Teacher: Mr. Amber what have we talked about sleeping in class

Y/N: We said that we um liked it

Class: Dying of laugher

Teacher: Class be quiet and I suggest you get to bed ealier Amber or else I'll have Mr. Madison check on you

Y/N: (Sighs) Okay okay I get it

Teacher: Good now lets get back too, Y/N what is the 5th amendment

Bell rings

Y/N: Saved by the bell

You get up and leave

Y/N: (That was one weird ass dream)

Warren: Hey dude I forgot your back

Y/N: What oh ah yeah hey Warren

Warren: Sorry about Rachel man and Elliot Hampden I know you were close friends

Y/N: Yeah I almost completely him can't believe he'd do that

Warren: It was crazy dude

Y/N: Yeah it was

Warren: Dude I got some new wheels 1978 to be exact

Y/N: See any new movies

Warren: Lots there was this one with-

Y/N: Without emo vampires

Warren: Not much

Y/N: Didn't think so

Warren: What about you what have you been watching lately

Y/N: Nothing really, well see ya later dude

Warren: Peace out brother

Y/N: Okay then dude

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now