The Approaching Storm

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Chloe: Come on in Max don't be shy

Max: The house still looks... nice

Chloe: Home shit home

Y/N: (Chuckles)

Y/N: Wow yours room's a little different

Chloe: I'm not a 16 year's old anymore so, it's gonna be little different then the last time you saw it

Y/N: Touche Price touche

Max: Its cool, at least we can still chill out

Chloe: This isn't exactly my "chill out zone" My step douche makes sure of that, come in and close the door... put on some music well I medicate

Y/N: Oh my favorite person Step Douche...

Chloe: What he do this time

Y/N: Harass kids nothing new I guess...

Chloe: So tell me what does Max Caulfield do for fun now that she's a grown up

Max: Not much, you know me, I like to observe the world more than participate

Chloe: I can't say I know you anymore, maybe you love to go clubbin' every night

Y/N: I highly doubt Max Caulfield in the Vortex Club

Max: Why not

Y/N: Well ur kinda you know like a... nerd, not that its bad at all

Chloe: Shots fired

Max: I mean... I guess your not wrong I mean could you see me at a rave

Chloe: I'd dose those candy-flipping morons and watch them twitch into a DJ dance rattle... take a photo of that

You see Max put her hand up and hear Chloe speaking backwards

Chloe: So tell me what does Max Caulfield do for fun now that she's a grown up

Y/N: NANI... but you just said that I am having major Dajo Voo again

Chloe: Well looks like he's already contact high

Max gives and intrigued yet confused look your way

Max: I uhh... take photos, of me, the world, everything, it may sound sad, but I have a blast

Chloe: Doesn't sound that sad

Max: I'm happiest when I've got a great image in my lens, I'm not lonely, not afraid...

Chloe: Now that's more inspiring, I don't feel so totally hopeless...

Y/N: I do...

You get rude glances

Y/N: Sorry I'm just out of it, can I use the bathroom Chlo

Chloe: Yeah you remember where it is dude

Y/N: Yeah I'll uhh... find it

You walk in to the bathroom and open and shut the door, turn the sink on and start splashing water in your face

Y/N: Dammit man get a hold of yourself they must of doused the school lunch as a senior prank or some shit, yeah that's gotta be it and earlier in the bathroom in school too yeah that's gotta be it... right

You dry your face off with a towel and walk back to her room till you hear

Max: That's Rachel Amber... her missing person posters are all over Blackwell

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now