The Closed Case

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Y/N: Come on Max I don't need to see Chloe die for a third time it will break me this time like seriously I could probably have PTSD at this point now, you can't do this again we can't let her die

Max: I don't wanna chose

Chloe: You're the only one who can choose Max... and I know you'll do the right thing, which ever choice

You thinks about it long and hard until she's taken out of her trace by Chloe

Chloe: Max... it's time

Y/N: Come on Max please you can't do this again

She tears up the photo

Max: Not anymore

Chloe: I'll always be with you... forever

You all just stare at the storm as it crashes through Arcadia Bay destroying everything in its path 

Y/N: Its okay Max just don't look

After the storm sets and morning hits you all get in Chloe's truck and finally leave Arcadia Bay

This is a possibility in a multiverse of infinite outcomes, this is only one version of what happened next...

One Year After the Storm

Pixie: Oh em gee, Maxi Max these look frigging awesome

Max: Pixie when you call me that you make me sound like a sanitary product

Y/N: How about Maxi Clean... it's my new and improved cleaning product

Max: Oh no just please stop well you're at it

Y/N: Okay okay... but seriously Pixie's right, my Maximus is a natural, it just comes to her

Max: Look I'm okay at best

Y/N: You don't give yourself enough credit Maxi moo

Tammi: You too are so cute together

Y/N: We've been here a year and you still say this

Tammi: Because it's true

Pixie: Look Y/N's right you're super awesome Max you deserve more than one syllable in your name girl, look at how badass you made us look Tammi you look so fierce

Tammi: Didn't need a photo to tell me that

Y/N: Sure you didn't

Tammi: I think you're just jealous of me

Y/N: Of what being a cool rock band huh... I guess the thought never crossed my mind

Tammi: What's your favorite band

Y/N: The Rolling Stones obviously

Tammi: You were supposed to say us

Y/N: Sure I'll give you second place

Tammi: Good enough

Max: Come on you guys are cool with or without me taking your photos, but thanks for letting me take then

Pixie: Pfft, like we're doing you a favor look at these... it's like you have Magic Powers

Y/N: Yeah like...

Pixie: Did you say something

Y/N: Oh uh no sorry

Max: Look they're just photos

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now