The End of the World

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You all chilling in Chloe's room with the music on

Max: Chloe are you okay 

Y/N: Yeah Price you've been a little quiet as of lately

Chloe: I'm glad things worked out with Frank its nice to have one less enemy in Arcadia Bay

Y/N: Yeah I'd like to second that 

Max: True Amen to that 

Y/N: So lets crack this case wide open as you like to say

You both walk over to the board

Max: But what do codes names mean in his account book

Y/N: Look at the code names it's right  here... oh I'm a Border Collie, Chloe you're a Bulldog, heh Justin's a Beagle

Max: And Nathan is rott for Rottweiler, it does fit Nathan

Y/N: Or poodle... he's more like a little dog trying to act big and tuff to me when he really isn't big and tuff

Max: Look at this

Y/N: It's a note to Frank from Rachel

Max: Looks like she dumped Frank, but I doubt he hurt Rachel though

Y/N: I doubt that he probably just showed her his winning personality 

Max: I think I've got it this should go here with over with that

Y/N: And that with that, huh it starting to make much more sense now

15 Minute Later

Max: Wait this has to be Nathans estate

Y/N: That old run down barn 

Max: Yes here Chloe, Y/N this definitely has to be the place 

Chloe: Let me dig up some more clues here... nope nothing Max, just some shitty old barn

Y/N: Okay but who owns this barn, their has to be more information to go off here then just that

Chloe: Fine, I'm on this, hold on... somebody named Harry Aaron Prescott

Max: I'm shocked

Y/N: As am I

Max: Should we call the police 

Y/N: We can't trust them sadly 

Chloe: Yeah the police here are like Nathans private security 

Max: That's so messed up

Y/N: Half the world is, what else is new

Chloe: Just like this whole town is messed, we can't trust anybody, except each other... so we have to go out to that farm house ourselves 

Y/N: As it usually is just ourselves, its to risky to get anyone else involved in our affairs 

Chloe: Its just the three of us, nobody else... you two wonder twins have the power here whats to be afraid of, I feel like were so close to finding Rachel 

Max: We will but remember our power isn't infinite, we still have to be careful Chloe

Chloe: Yes sir

Y/N: Well what are we waiting for lets go!

You three hop in Chloe's truck and down to the Prescott's barn

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now