The Time Paradox

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You see something a vision of the Dark Room

Max: Y/N!

Y/N: Max! MAX!

Max: Help me!

She starts to scream as the vision fades away


Then you see the storm destroying all of Arcadia Bay in its path as people all scream and cry out for help but mother nature doesn't listen to their demands, you can't get the screams out of you r head they just won't stop


And then its just gone all of it as you start to slowly get up forgetting where you and your head aches

Y/N: Uh what happened... wait Chloe!

You crawl near the lifeless body

Y/N: No dammit Chloe not you fucking too, god no!

You look around the area forgetting all of it until you see Max's journal lying on the ground then it all comes back to yoy

Y/N: MAX! where's she at dammit it was that creep Jefferson, I knew he was off af that party, David was right never trust guys with fucking Goatees... FUUCCCCKKKKK! FUCKING FUCK!

You fall to the ground completely broken

Y/N: Why dammit just why... Chloe no, shes dead... I couldn't stop it Rachel is dead and Chloe's dead too and I did shit to stop that

Y/N: Officers you've gotta listen this crazy man he kidnapped my friend please

Cop: Woah just calm down... and tell me what happened

Y/N: The teacher... Mark Jefferson, he-

You stop looking at the sky as it it looks like Max was right the world truly is ending

Y/N: What the hell... oh fammit Max where is she at, all I remember is that douche Jefferson dosed her I thought I got shot or.... what happened

You stand up looking at Chloe one last time

Y/N: It, it... it was a hella awesome ride Price... I'll save our super Max for you, and I'll avenge you and Rachel

You start to walk away out of the junkyard until you feel a weird liquid rolling down your face you touch it looking very close at i

Y/N: That, that's blood... holy hell he did shoot me... man I'm hella lucky it must have only grazed me

You walk around a corner of trash and see Chloes truck or what's left of it

Y/N: He douced it in gasoline... DAMMIT!

You starts walking towards civilization and arrive almost an hour later to see a police cruiser


You run over to the front of it waving your hands as he rolls down the window

Cop: Hey calm down and step away from the car

Y/N: Please officer I need help now he's got, he's going to kill her we have to do something!

Cop: Woah woah woah low your roll there I can't hear you if you talk that fast... now what happened

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now