Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I'm going to be on a business event this coming weeks, but that doesn't mean I'll not have my eyes and ears on you," I enunciate to my staff board in a don't-mess-with-me tone on an afternoon emergency meeting. "Everything will be reported to me by Harriet, but Mr. Ivan McDawson," I held out my arm pointing at him, "From R Tech, will be in charge while I'm gone." Some of the members are talking silently to each other because they know it's my first time to be gone, pretty long gone in the Crib. Pretty anxious of their reaction, because some of them might not perform well, I leave a warning, or a threat perhaps, "Trust is on the line. If somebody do something beyond the line, you got it. I don't need to tell it to you all." everybody nodded, knowing fully what I meant to say. And we continue to discuss...

It's already dusk when the meeting is finished. Some of my employees got home, and the Chicago below me is getting ready for the night. But instead of going with the flow of the city, I lean down to my chair, and sigh as I close my eyes, absorbing and feeling the silence around me. I'm used to the hard work every day, but silence like this makes me a bit okay from the volume of today. After an eternity of silence, I heard a knock and Harriet ushers in.

"Ms. M, Mr. Dinker is here for you." She announces.

Oh my..."Let him in,"

I brush my hair with my hand and readjusts my seat to at least look beautiful to him. To the man who makes this present of mine beautifully perfect. To the man I can really trust of my heart. Seconds later, a fine figure wearing shirt, no tie, jet black eyes shining brightly, and his smile, Gosh... it can light up the whole Chicago tonight...saunters towards me.

"Hello, darling," he greets and kisses me in the cheek. He smells heavenly. I stand and put but both of my arms to his neck, responding back to his greetings, and also relish the moment of right now. "Hello, curt," I smile and kiss back in his cheeks. "Shall we sit?" gesturing my arm to the office couch for the guests. He smiles and says, "Sure, anything you like."

We're sitting in the couch for almost half an hour. My head leaning on his shoulders and his right arm rests on my shoulders. much happen today, and here he is. How in the world our relationship is not broken? I had no idea. But I'm sure he'll not break me. Rolling my eyes, remembering the Alton's background and his ability to lure girls. What a bastard.

"What are you thinking?" Curt's voice drags me out of my thoughts.

"Um, nothing...." Oh...I nearly forgot..."I'm going to the Philippines," remembering my invited business trip.


"I'm attending some Conference. Is it okay with you?"


I lean back to gauge his reaction. Jet black eyes gazes back at me, his face calm and carefree.

"No need to gauge me. Yes, it's okay. Besides, it's for your company." he reassures, letting a chuckle get off his throat. "But make sure you'll call me, I'll miss you, darling." He teases in a sweet tone and bumps my shoulder with his. I cannot help but melt and grin...Gosh. Giggling on the thought, I reply,"Okay, I will. And hey, it won't be long, ok?" But instead of responding back, his arms enclosed around me. I'm in his embrace. Whoa, I never think of him missing me like this.

"Can I go with you?" Curt broke off the silence between us.



He shrugs, "Go with you in that country. And learn something from the conference." I think my jaw drops open to the floor. He's interested in business? Well, that's Novel. I never think of him being interested with business. As far as I know he only do paper works, an ordinary job. Okay. I'm stunned.

"M?" Curt's voice helps me recover from being stunned and speechless.

"No." I mutter when I find my sense of speaking.

"Why not?"

"You have work to do and..." I don't want you to see you in a place where I had my past.

"And what? You don't want me to be with you in the public?" Curt pulls me out of his embrace.


"You don't want them to see that I'm your boyfriend?" his talking in an angry tone, black furious eyes now blazing.

"What are you saying?"

"Why, M? Is it because of my job? Just a guy in office working with papers?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" I shot back. Why in the world is he being like this? He only asks if he can go with me and now he's rehashing our old problem. He's talking gibberish! I want to shout back, but I fight myself not to because if were both going to be angry, this thing will not be settle.

"Curt," I breathe out "It's not like that. You have work, I have one. We both work for a living." I reach out for his hand and his look changes from furious to calm. "And it's not because of your job. It didn't matter to me if you work in an office with papers, no. I'm happy and lucky you came into my life. Please don't rehash our old topic and don't feel insecure, ok?"

"Ok. I'm sorry," he enfolds me again in embrace and nuzzles my hair. "I'm so sorry if I'm like this. Angry temper most of the time."

"It's ok." I mutter. "That's work." And the angry atmosphere gone.

It makes me laugh sometimes about him getting angry and insecure. But I understand him. And he understand me too. And maybe that's the reason why our relationship gone this far. Even though we already graduated college, were still together this far. Very far indeed.

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