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After months of art and Miiverse, I actually have something in mind to write. And I'm am 90% positive that I will complete this. But hey, who knows?

To those who are following my other chapter stories, I don't really know when I plan to continue them. I lost my ideas, fickle me. :/ And I didn't have a complete plot, either. I just hope this will keep you company instead.

Special thanks to Misaki Mei, Delphox, Blaize, and Quilveor of Miiverse who helped think of my character names. You were really great!

Misaki Mei gave the final names, so I don't really take credit for my characters entirely.


The umbreon concealed his shock through his snickering and smirking, seeing the fairy-type fox jerking her head to avoid eyesight with him. She put on an arrogant facade to avoid him noticing her hurt feelings.

"But my darling, weren't we yin and yang?"

An offended snort. Lie, she thought bitterly.

"Aren't we Reshiram and Zekrom? We were once - and still are, honey - one!"

Oh cut the crap!

"I promise, hon, I'll own all the bow tie shops in the world if that means you'll stay."

Oh, I'd love that, but... you bought it. She gave a mental image of herself spitting her tongue out as if she swallowed a Muk's Sludge.

She raised her eyebrow, as if his last-resort-oaths finally caught her interest.

"Oh, so you'll stay, my dear?" The umbreon grinned, his conclusion evidently jumping everywhere.

Oh how wrong he is, his "girlfriend" grinned at the sadistic thought.

How wrong of him to think I'm still playing with his charades.

She cackled coldly, the dark-type gritting his teeth and squinting his eyes as he reacted to the ear-splitting voice that he wasn't used to hearing.

"Stay?" The word sounded alien to her, much like the mysterious deoxys.

"Ick, it's like hearing that you're poor." She shook her head, dismissing the idea, as she tried to remember that she was to sugarcoat what she was about to announce next.


The umbreon raised an eyebrow, but he seemed more amused than confused at what his "other" planned on doing. He smirked, mentally shaking his head.

" Egg Groups, I don't think we're compatible. I...can't marry you. I'm sorry." When silence engulfed the two, she took it as a signal that it was over.

She started to walk on the forest path, the calm trees swaying in the night sky, agreeing to her decision discreetly.

The umbreon still responded coolly, taking this as a game of chess, and his face said he was winning.

"Well, with words, you most definitely can't."

He snickered, noticing the sylveon stop in her tracks, as she started to tremble uncontrollably, struggling to get out of whatever was holding her so forcefully. As she started to rise higher, fear crept into her shaking paws. So...strong, she mentally yet worryingly noted. Brace...yourself...!

He jerked his head towards an unscathed bush, and beam of a bright myriad of colors shot out of it, one so fierce that it drained most of her energy, as she was enveloped with a fire of red, blue and pink.

She squeaked in pain, as she shot down into the ground, feeling her paws ache after the bad landing. Her eyes could make out a feline-like silhouette with a tail that was split into two, only a little blurry, thanks to the aftermath of dust from her fall.

But a larger paw blocked that pokemon, and a face seemed to block that paw too. Crimson eyes gleaming towards her, and a neon mark glowing on its forehead. If she forgot to note its taunting smirk, she'd be dreaming.

"Hon, I'm rich. If I married a magikarp, my chances of business partnerships, ownerships, and fortune would be extremely scarce. I wouldn't be a very good businessmon then, aren't I?" The umbreon leaned closer, smirk not willing to fade. His close contact made the fairy type tense, growling insecurely as she still lay numb on the ground.

"Then don't marry at all, you bastard!"

Her retort was genuinely meant, her blue eyes glinting as it reflected the blood-red gaze of the dark type.

"Oh, but then the fact that my dear boss won't have 'his other' would also ruin his precious image."

The twin-tailed silhouette earlier pounced beside him, purring proudly beside her boss, squared spectacles gleaming brightly. A ruby-like orb adorned her forehead, and her almond eyes bore confidently towards the helpless pokemon. "If he did, he wouldn't be constantly coaxing you," she spat the last word bitterly, a slender lavender-furred paw flip swiftly, as if to push herself away from the sylveon before her in disgust.

"Of course, if only you helped..." A bright pink aura enveloped her ruby orb, "...then you'll be famous! Think about it, living with the most handsome rich pokemon in the world! Wouldn't you like to make your friends jealous for the clamperl of a husband?" She purred, pacing around the fairy-type, laughing evilly as she did. "And most importantly..." A lavender paw reached the sylveon's chin, stroking it just to enjoy the uncomfortable frown it caused.

"...don't you want to be alive?"

She shook her head for the psychic type's grip to be released. Despite the pain, the fairy fox managed to stand on all fours, albeit shakily. "I'm...barely alive," she muttered. She weakly growled at both fox-like pokemon, one hind leg unable to work as well as the other, causing her to limp towards the gravel road once again.

I'm done for, an imaginary voice told her.

Just walk; it's worth a try, said another.

"Were you dropped by the chansey?!" She heard the umbreon's helper shout, enraged at her decision. "You won't make it alive - not if I help it!"

She heard a zap from behind that seemed to grow increasingly closer, and judging by the obviously wasn't going to end pretty.

Baka, forget it. I'll just...die here...

She decided to face towards the psychic beam with an expectant face, calmly waiting for it to finish her.

A bright purge of white light flashed before her, and she accepted it with a wide embrace.


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