First Date

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"Hello my little loves!" I did my video intro. "So if you saw my vlog from last Thursday, you know Jonah Marais, yes, Jonah Marais from Why Don't We and I met and he asked for my number and we hung out. If you wanna watch that whole vlog, I will put it up in the corner under the little (i) icon." I smiled at the thought of it.

"Actually, let's make #limelight our hashtag for the day. Remember how my hashtag challenges work: I give you a daily hashtag and if you comment it down below and hit that subscribe button with post notifications turned on, I pick five wonderful lovelies to shout out on my second channel (link in description). So yeah, be sure to subscribe to A Day In Abbi's Life and Abbi Juliet.

So, anyway, I digress, on with the vlog. So last night, Jonah and I were texting like we have been every night for the past week and he asked me on a "proper" date. Now we did hang out the day we met. It was the Starbucks and we got pizza with the other Why Don't We boys and Collins. We didn't classify it as a "date" date because we were just talking about life and stuff. That and we had just met that day...... So I am going to put the text where he asks me out on the side of the screen.

Jonah💕: we've been texting for 3 hours, wow, that's crazy.

Me: yeah that is.

Jonah💕: I wanna ask you something. Can we go on a date?

Me: Jonah, of course I will go on a date with you! When?

Jonah💕: Tomorrow night? I'll pick you up at 7:00

Me: okay, Collins will probably answer the door. What do I need to wear?

Jonah💕: anything you want. It's a surprise.


"Anyway, so yeah. I am getting ready to go on my date with Jonah. Anyw-" I'm cut off by Collins shrieking. "you're at my house. You're really at my house. ABBI!! HE'S HERE!!!" followed by her screaming and fangirling again. "Well, guys, as you heard, Jonah's here, so I am gonna stop the vlog for right now cause I'm sure I have to go pry Collins away from him so we can go on our date yeah." I show my outfit in the mirror, which is dark wash ripped skinny jeans and striped shirt with black flats before blowing a kiss to the camera and shutting it off.

I went downstairs and there's Jonah in my front doorway, holding a bouquet of flowers. Sure enough, Collins' arms are wrapped around his waist, just like if it was a meet and greet. I laugh. "Hey, can I have my date back, please?" She blushes and lets him go, apologizing as she does. "Don't worry, Collins. It's cool. Oh, wow, Abbi. You look amazing. Uh, these-uh these are for you." He handed me the flowers and scratched the back of his neck, smiling and blushing. I put them in water and left Collins 20 bucks to get pizza, telling her to save some for me. She agreed. Jonah and I went out to his car and we drove to wherever our date was.


We pull up to a park and Jonah opens my door for me. I thank him and see a picnic set up under 3 rows of string lights. I gasped. "Jonah, you did all this for me?" He nodded and said, "pretty girls should be spoiled." and hugged me. "so you know what I do, what do you do?" Jonah asks. "I'm a YouTuber. I actually have 2 channels and between the 2, 30 million subscribers, so I get paid for that. I actually covered your song on my channel last year. Umm, my parents died in a car crash 3 years ago. My 6 year old sister Micah lives in Oklahoma with Collins' mom.  She took us both in when my parents died. Collins and I are best friends. We grew up together, so yeah." I finished. 

He just smiled. "Which song was it? I'm really sorry about your parents, and I'd love to meet Micah sometime. She sounds adorable." I nodded. "Yeah, she is. She is obsessed with Disney princesses and Taylor Swift, currently. I'd like for you to meet her too. I covered "War Paint", actually. Thank you. It was hard at first because you know, not only were my parents gone, Micah's were too, and she was only three so she didn't understand why they weren't coming back. She would ask me, "where are mommy and daddy? Are they going to tuck me in and sing to me with you tonight?" I would always tell her that our mommy and daddy were with the angels now and, she would accept that, because she still thought they would be there the next morning when she woke up." I wiped a tear off my cheek before continuing. Jonah reached over and rested his hand on top of mine. I smiled and turned my hand so he was actually holding my hand.

"One of the things that broke my heart the most was, at her fourth birthday party, Micah came running over to me from some of her friends from daycare and climbed onto my lap. I kissed her cheek and asked why she wasn't smiling on her birthday. She looked at me and said, "Abbi, do mommy and daddy not know it's my birthday? Why don't they come home from being with the angels to eat cake and play toys with me? Do they still love me?" I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her hair, trying to stop my tears from spilling. I told her that they would always love her, but they weren't coming back, that they were with God and the angels. I also told her that they were watching over the both of us at all times. She smiled and kissed my hand before she ran off with Collins' mom to her cake."

Jonah crawled over to my side and hugged me. "I'm sorry. I dumped all that on you. I ruined our date." Jonah smiled gently, before he intertwined our fingers. "Abbi, look at me. You didn't ruin anything. I'm glad you told me so I can be there for you. Now, important question: Oreos or double-stuf Oreos?" He questioned, pulling two Oreo packages out. I grabbed the double-stuf ones before smiling. "Ah, the pretty girl smiles again!" Jonah said in a British accent. I laughed and shivered as Jonah pulled his sweatshirt over his head and handed it to me. I put it on and inhaled deeply. Coffee and cologne.


We pulled up to the house, and Jonah walked me to the door. "Abbi. Do you- uh maybe wanna be- uh- my girlfriend??" He stuttered out. I smiled and pulled him to me by his shirt collar and kissed his cheek. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Jonah." I whispered in his ear. He smiled before kissing my lips softly. "Also, now that we're dating, you're not getting this sweatshirt back, you know that, right?" I laughed. He nodded his head and laughed too. He kissed my cheek before going back to his car. 

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