Gender Reveal

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Jonah came into our room to see me getting ready for our gender reveal. He chuckled quietly and sat on the bed, watching me put on my lipstick. "Baby, whatcha doing?" I chuckled as I looked at him through the mirror. "Just looking. Watching my angel."

I smiled and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he rested his hands on my waist. "I love you." I kissed his nose. "I love you, angel. And you." He finished as he kissed my stomach. I smiled and ran my hands through his hair before Collins came upstairs and told us to go in the backyard. I was walking when Jonah stopped me to take a picture.

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Liked by collinsdaisy2001 ashleymaebesson and 729,834 others

jonahmarais My beautiful queen and new prince or princess! Our two princesses are running around here somewhere.

abbiJuliet Aww, baby! I love you!
anna.seavey So pretty! Can't wait to find out!
sav.labrant Aww! You're glowing, @abbiJuliet
cameryn_esther_ My mommy's so pretty! I can't wait! I hope I'm having a baby sister!

I smiled before I took a photo of Jonah, making him wrinkle his nose before chuckling.

I smiled before I took a photo of Jonah, making him wrinkle his nose before chuckling

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Liked by esthergrace_ corbynbesson and 822,933 others

abbiJuliet My handsome king, we can't wait to find out the gender of our newest angel!

zcaspary Girl, you gonna put me out of business with photos like that! Wow!📸❤️
ebenofficial You clean up nice, my dude.
esthergrace_ 🔥 outfit, big bro!
user44 Oh my word, they're so cute when they make parts of their posts match! Aww!

I intertwined my fingers with Jonah's and we walked to the backyard. We stood in the spot Collins told us to. "Okay, Jonah, you're going to stand...." Collins trailed off as she pulled his arm to place him next to me. "....right here. Abbi, you're going to stay there and close your eyes." I nodded as she turned to Jonah.

"I'm going to give you this smoke cannon and when I count to 5, you're going to set it off. Abbi, open your eyes when I say so, alright?" We both nodded and I kissed Jonah before I put my hands over my eyes. He popped the cannon and I opened my eyes to see pink smoke everywhere. "Oh my gosh, it's a girl! Yes!" Jonah cheered before he picked me up and spun around.

I giggled and kissed him before he set me on the ground. Anna and Ava ran and hugged me, Gabbie and Collins following suit. Jonah walked over with Cameryn on his back and Halston on his hip. I took Halston from him and we walked over and got cupcakes.

After the gender reveal, I was taking a shower and Jonah was putting the girls to bed. I walked out of the bathroom to see Jonah laying in bed playing on his phone. I went over and laid on his chest. He kissed my forehead and set his phone on the dresser and turned on Riverdale on Netflix as my phone went off. I grabbed it and opened Instagram.

 I grabbed it and opened Instagram

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Liked by anna.seavey corbynbesson and 322,934 others

jonahmarais The streak continues! Baby #3 is a girl! I can't wait for my new princess to be here! Also, my queen looks GORGEOUS in this picture! I love you, @abbiJuliet

imsveamarie Yay! I get a third niece! I can't wait!
brooklynandbailey Ahh! Congratulations! Girls are the best!
gabbieegonzalez Can't wait for baby girl to be here!

I smiled and scrolled through my camera roll. "There we go." I went onto Instagram to post my picture.

" I went onto Instagram to post my picture

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Liked by brooklynandbailey sav.labrant and 234,836 others

abbiJuliet Well, @jonahmarais has been officially out-girled! (Is that even a word? I don't know.) Baby #3 is a girl! I can't wait to hold my little girl soon!

sav.labrant Congrats! Baby girl will be beautiful just like her mom and sisters!
collinsdaisy2001 Can't wait for my new little niece to be here!
allie_brooke Aww! Congratulations! Tia Allie can't wait to give her kisses!

Then I decided to make a post on Cameryn's page.

Liked by gabbieegonzalez everlieghrose and 19,384 others

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Liked by gabbieegonzalez everlieghrose and 19,384 others

cameryn_esther_ Yay! I'm having another little sister! I can't wait! I already love Halston so much, and I know I'm going to love my new little sister just as much!

everlieghrose Yay!
ashleymaebesson Can't wait!
taytumandoakley Yay! Baby sisters are so fun!

I locked my phone and put it on the dresser before I curled up against Jonah's chest and watched Riverdale until I fell asleep. 

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