The Worst Happens to Those Who Don't Deserve It (Cherik)

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Trigger Warning: Rape/non-con. Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!

Erik continued down the street, passing the big rows of shops and buildings leading to his house.
On most days Erik and Charles would walk home together after school, but today it was just Erik. He had to stay after school to catch up on his history project and math work. Charles was staying after school to finish up his lab for his AP Genetics course. Erik knew he would finish around six which was way before Charles even thought about being done, so he decided to walk home instead of waiting for him.

Erik turned the corner and went down the hidden alleyway behind the supermarket. Him and Charles had found this shortcut when they were fourteen walking home from middle school. Erik could still remember when they first came across it. How exciting it was to be in a secret alleyway, how scared they were when they didn't know where they would be spit out, how relieved they felt when they arrived in the woods behind Erik's house.

Now it felt just as normal to walk down the alley as it did to walk down the street. Except tonight he couldn't shake the feeling that someone one was following him, and he was right. A pair of hands covered his eyes and pushed him against the wall. Erik let out a muffled grunt when the attacker's hands slipped down his shirt and touched his chest.

"What the hell!" he yelled, trying to hit whoever was holding him. He smiled as he felt his foot collide with his attacker's stomach, causing him to gasp and stumble backward, giving Erik enough room to slip away from the wall and run. He ran through the alleyway and towards the woods. His backpack hitting the back of his legs as he turned up the hill making his way towards the top. When he deemed himself far enough away he stopped to catch his breath

He looked down the hill and was relieved to see his house in the distance. He started walking again only to be stopped by a rock crashing into his leg. He yelled as his leg buckled, causing him to tumble down the hill, landing in a thorn bush. He struggled to get out of the bush, ripping his shirt in the process, but he wasn't quick enough. The attacker came rushing down the hill and straight towards Erik. And for a split second, he was frozen in pure fear. Sebastion Shaw was running down the hill looking like a mad man.
Shaw had tortured him for years and he could never seem to get away from him. Shaw was the reason Erik was sent home with a broken nose in third grade. Shaw was the reason Erik stopped wearing his Star of David necklace to school. Shaw was the reason Erik and Charles ate lunch outside on the lawn for most of high school. Shaw was the reason Erik crashed his car when he was sixteen. Shaw was the reason Erik was scared to lose Charles.

He despised Shaw for the pain he caused not only him but Charles too. It wasn't fair that Charles should be hurt just because some dumb ass liked to pick on him.

"What the Fuck Shaw!" Erik yelled as he turned to run. Shaw continued to chase him, following hot on his footsteps. All Erik wanted was to be home with Charles, but instead, he was being chased by a fucking psychopath.

He was coming up on the path to his house, he was just a few steps away from the fence surrounding the backyard, but he didn't make it in time. Shaw grabbed Erik's leg and pulled him down to the ground. Erik was thrashing as Shaw started pulling him back towards the trees.
"Stop what do you want from me," he yelled, trying to get another kick in at Shaw, but he only managed to let Shaw grab onto both his legs stopping him from kicking. Erik dragged his fingers through the ground trying to find something to hold on to, but all he got was grass.

"Quit screaming Lehnsherr, God you're such a baby," Shaw said, propping Erik upright and punching him in the face, leaving a big bruise where his fist collided with bone."

Now this is the way it's gonna work," Shaw said quietly, grabbing the rope from his pocket and moving to tie Erik's hands together, "You're going to stay quiet, and not tell anyone about this, or there will be consequences."

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