Chapter 21

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I didn't sleep at all. It's now just before sunrise and I have to pee. So I get out of my car and go behind a tree. When I'm done I go back to my car and use some hand sanitizer because I hate not washing my hands. I drive over to Granny's and go inside. They just opened so no one is really in there yet. "Emma. Where the hell have you been?  Regina called us last night looking for you". I sit down in a booth. I'm so tired. "I'm sorry Rubes. We had a bad argument last night and I packed some stuff and slept in my car over in the library parking lot".  "Emma what the fuck? She's so worried about you". I laugh a little. "Can I please have some coffee Ruby?"  "Emma why did you laugh when I said Regina was worried about you?"   "Please get my coffee and I'll tell you". She nods and leaves. She comes back with a hot cup of coffee and says. "Ok Swan spill".  I told her everything that happened last night when we got home and everything that was said. She was shocked. Ruby has known me the longest of anyone. "Emma. That's ridiculous. Why would Regina believe Robin? She doesn't even know him".  "I don't know Ruby. Maybe she's really not ready to get married yet or maybe she just doesn't want to marry me".  I say the last part as tears fall. "Anyway Ruby, can I get my usual breakfast sandwich with my sides of home fries and bacon and a large cup of orange juice with ice please and I want that to go please". She hesitates but then gives in. "Ok Em. Just give me a few minutes". I nod and she leaves to put my order in. A few minutes later my phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID and of course it's Regina. She's called at least 20 times since I left almost 6 hours ago. I decided to answer this one. "Hello?"   "Oh Emma. Thank god you picked up. Baby where are you? Please come home. I've been so worried".  "I'm at Granny's getting breakfast to go".  "Go? Where are you going my love?"  I laugh. "My love? You call me my love after everything you said to me last night Regina?  Oh man you must not remember how you made feel last night".  "Emma I do remember and I'm so sorry. I don't know why I said what I did. I hope you can try and forgive me. Please baby. I love you so much. All of this was my fault. Please come home so we can work this out".  I'm silent for a moment. "Emma? Are you still there?"   "Yeah I'm here. I just don't know if coming back to your parents home is the right thing to do right now. I'm just going to get a room at Granny's B&B. I couldn't sleep in my car last night and I'm tired Regina".  "I understand sweetheart. My I come to see you?"  "Right now Regina I don't really care. I just want something to eat and get some sleep".  "Same here my love. You get a room at Granny's and I'll be there soon".   "Fine". I end the call and Ruby brings my food over. "Thanks Rubes. Can I have the tab and can I get a room at Granny's please?"  She nods. I'm so exhausted at this point. Ruby brings me the tab and a key for a room and tells me that I can settle up with Granny later for the room. I then payed the tab and left a very good tip for Ruby and then I went up to my room. I texted Regina and told her that I was in room 15 and that the door was unlocked. I sat on the bed and had a few home fries and a piece of bacon and about two bites of my sandwich. I put the box on the nightstand and untied my boots and kicked them off. I then laid down on the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was pretty much out. I didn't even hear Regina come in or feel her lay beside me. I woke up a few hours later. I was laying on my back and Regina was snuggled across my body. I had to pee so I had to wake her. "Regina. Hey. Regina. Wake up".  "Hmm Emma?"  "Yeah. I have to go. Move please?"  "No. Where are you going?"   "Just to the bathroom". She moves and I get up and use the bathroom in my room. I wash my hands and go back out to the bedroom. I sit in the chair against the wall and Regina is still in bed. I take a long drink from my orange juice that is now pretty much watered down but it feels good going down my dry throat. "So what do you want Regina?" She sits up and looks at me in the eyes. "I want to apologize to you Emma and I know that just an apology may not work, but I am so, so sorry for everything last night. I don't know why I let Robin's words get to me but they did and I'm so sorry my love".   "Regina I'm not really sure what to say right now. You took a total strangers word over mine. Me Regina. Someone that you've said you loved for the last 6 years. I just don't understand. Ok. Yes I slept slept with girls before you. I told you everything right from the beginning. You are my first relationship and you know that. I know every girl I ever had sex with, do you want to call them and ask if I ever controlled them or smacked them around?"  She looks down at the floor and I know she's crying. She shakes her head no. "Emma I can't explain why I acted the way I did and I'm so sorry for it".  "Regina did you drink any of the drinks Robin gave you?"  "Yes. I had a few sips when he handed me the first drink. Why?"  "Because that's when I took it from you. If you only had a little then you may not have had the full effect of the drug if he put one in the drink. Did you drink anything before I came over to take the others away?"   "I had a small sip".  "Damn it. That fucker is going to pay for this".  I start putting my boots on but Regina stops me. "No Emma please don't do this now. You are so tired my love and your not thinking straight. Please wait and deal that jerk the right way". I know she's right so I don't fight her on it. I kick my boots off and get back in bed. Regina snuggled up next to me and I don't try to resist it. I'm still mad at her for the way she talked to me last night and we will talk more about it soon. We ended up falling asleep together and slept for hours. I awoke later to the sound of someone getting sick. I opened my eyes and remembered that Regina was here. I still love her so I go to her and get a facecloth and wet it with cold water. I kneel down next to her and rub her back. Soon she stopped throwing up and flushed the toilet. "Oh god I feel awful".  I use the cold facecloth to wipe her face and she thanks me. I help her stand up and she walks to the sink to rinse her mouth out then she goes to get back in bed. "Hangover?"   "Ohh god it must be. I feel terrible and my head is killing me".  "I'll go downstairs to the diner and get you some water and aspirin Regina". She nods. "Thank you". She says with her eyes closed. I go over to the diner at sit at the counter. Ruby is still working and she says she'll be right with me. A few minutes later she comes over. "Sorry Ems. What can I get you?"  "Just a bottle of cold water and a large ginger ale and some aspirin if you have any please".  "Sure Em. You not feeling well?"  "It's Regina. She's got a little hangover".  "Really. She didn't even drink that much last night".  "Yeah I know. I think Robin really did put something in her drink. How do you guys feel today?"   "We were both fine this morning. I'll be right back with you drinks". When she came back she had my drinks, a few straws and handed me a few packets of aspirin. "Thanks Ruby". I put a 5 on the counter and went back up to the room. Regina was laying down with the facecloth over her eyes. I sit on the bed and put the drinks on the nightstand. I put the straw in the ginger ale and open one of the aspirin packets. "Here Regina take these. I got you some ginger ale to help settle your stomach". She sits up and looks at me. "Thank you Emma". I put the pills in her hand and give her the soda. She takes them and when she's done I put the drink back on the nightstand. "Can I get you anything Regina?"   "I really just want to rest".  "I can take you home if you want".   "Can we stay here just a little while longer please?"   I nod and she lays down. "Will you please hold me?"  I lay down and open my arms and puts her head on my chest.

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