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“Your end is a result of the lives you have destroyed” said Edward Graham, as he pointed his partly damaged colt .45 at the head of Peter Michaels, while beads of sweat raced down the cheek of his impending victim. 

“Just do it! The time for talking sense is long gone. You are a mad man, driven by hate and guided by your own mismanaged fear.” Yelled a conflicted Peter, who knew his words were only inflaming the hatred within the man who was about to take his life. Yet his nature was such that he could never let his enemies see him in a position of weakness. He would rather die a man on his feet than to live a life on his knees.

“Look at the bodies you have left in your destructive path. Look at the families you have ripped apart and the people you have left with nothing.” Screamed Edward with an impassioned rage

“I did what I had to, to keep my family safe and protect the integrity of the world we live in. If our future is to be dictated by the likes of you, then it is a world I would happily depart from. I don’t claim to be a hero and it was only because of circumstance that I was forced in to carrying out my actions.”  Retorted Peter with whatever calm he could muster from the erratic thoughts in his head.

Peter stepped back with the fear in his heart expanding by the second. The beads of sweat now resembling drops of rain covered the entire surface of his face. He looked around at the tranquil surroundings on the rooftop of his beloved former workplace. He continued to step back until he reached the very edge and nervously patted his foot behind him until he felt the crumblings of a few pebbles fall in to the abyss.

“I am going to look in to your eyes and watch your life fade away. For the first time in your life you will know the meaning of having your fate being held in the hands of another man. That feeling of despair and utter desperation you must be going through now is not even a drop in the ocean compared to the people whose lives you have ruined through your greed and treachery.” Edward said upon regaining some of his composure. “You were like a brother to me, you helped me become the man I am today and for that I am grateful... because it’s those very traits I learned from you that will make pulling this trigger so easy.”

“Ed please...”


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