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"There is only darkness where there is no light."


Glittering stars of white and blue dot the inky black expanse of the night sky, flashing dully in tranquility. Dark sea waves crash on the glowing sand of the beach, the lapping water a soothing melody for those seeking comfort in this night. A gentle breeze, full of salt and cleansed air, plays with the whistling growths of grass and flowers, their scent mingling to withhold memories long forgotten by the races upon the earth.

A young woman, one who has met with the creatures of darkness and walked away with nothing more than flesh wounds, approaches the tip of the land, where the heavens meet the water and the water greets the heavens. A strand of silver catches the starlight, flashing in an acceptance of presence as it sways in the air. Her features are pale and slim, though she wears no mask on this night, this moment a time of truth, one that she is rarely granted.

A quiet sigh leaves her soft lips, and a shuffle occurs as she removes her jacket bound in darkness, sitting upon it to relieve herself of the minuscule grains of stone. Her eyes look to the skies, the sharp colouration of her blue eyes snagging the attention of several stars, displaying their interest with a streak of light, a shooting star in her terms.

"Hey, you guys," the stars perk up, growing further intrigued by the woman playing with her fingers. "It's been a while, huh?"

The air hums with minute energy as the earth and the heavens agree together.

She chuckles quietly to herself, feeling completely at ease for the first time in weeks. "A lot's happened since last time, I guess. Life is very different for me now that I qualify as a medic. The twins are in every day, sometimes twice a day, and they never fail to irritate me. My duties are quite different than before, and I no longer run around ferrying messages. The only downside I can see is getting shouted at by the newbies who think that they're higher than me. I tend to fix that pretty quick."

She laughs again, but pauses, her moment of calm interrupted by colliding emotions. The stars flicker in curiosity, silently edging her on as she hesitates.

"I miss you guys," the flickering slows, the heavens expressing their apologies and sympathy. "I miss you so much. Even though life still goes on and I've found a family that cares, I just can't seem to move on."

Crickets slowly stop their chirping, allowing the woman to grieve on graves long since lost. Two stars remain bright, providing what little comfort they can give to her as she swallows her pain, locking it away and melting the key.

Complete silence ensues, even the sea halts it's tireless motions in respect for the young one.

Then, startling both the heavens and the earth, she stands, dragging the putrid leather jacket with her. A forced cough hacks her throat dry of moisture, ridding her of the words she wishes to speak.

Seconds pass as she rethinks her approach before she shakes her head in pathetic dismissal. The stars dim sadly, watching as she turns to leave the place of peace, sand brushing against the rough material of her dampening outer clothing in protest.

But mid-step, the woman pauses once more, an almost unnoticeable smile quirking her lips. She glances at the skies one last time, eyes glistening in the otherworldly light.

"Thanks for listening, you two. Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Jazz," and like the clouds on a windy day, she moves on, walking away from the dazzling stars that gleam in the forever consuming vacuum of nothingness.


Hello to the first official 'chapter' of 'Twisted Cogs'!

I hope you enjoy and choose to stick around!

Drag0nRider out!

Drag0nRider out!

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