Chapter 4 | | Crashing Down | |

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"When darkness envelopes everything, don't succumb to it, as it will destroy you, but welcome it as a temporary guest, for it shall disperse in time."


"Just hook it up like so, and voila!" Will exclaims, soldering the last wires together before handing the device to his friend.

"M'kay, just move over and I can weld this thing into place," Toby slides over, welder's mask covering her face and tool in her servo.

The engineer complies, sitting back with a grin. For the last hour or so, the two have been putting the final touches on her bike, namely a 'key slot' that only accepts Toby's dog tag. Although the woman is capable of much, dealing with technology instead of machinery is not something she finds herself able to do, resulting in her recruitment of her second best friend, the first being Ironhide.

A crash echoes throughout the workshop, a shrill shriek mingling with the shattering item.

Without hesitation, the woman catapults herself to her feet, abandoning the project without a second thought. She rips off her mask and tosses it on the floor, running to the other side of the room where her small dorm connects to the workshop.

"Aquarius!" Seeing the sparkling on the floor, she skids to a stop on her boot, scooping up the shaken youngster.

"M-m-m-m," he stutters, bottom derma quivering as he grips his mother's white top. "M-mommy."

The woman struggles to refrain from 'awwing' at the title, instead opting to check him over. Discovering nothing wrong with his frame, she scans their surroundings for the source of his fear. Beside them, next to the worktable, lays an old radio from the inside of a car, now broken and unusable with shattered pieces strewn around it.

She sighs in relief, hugging her son as Will comes jogging up behind her, out of breath from the sudden burst of speed. "How-how's he doing? What happened?"

"He must've knocked over my old radio; scared the living daylights out of himself," she smiles slightly, glancing at her friend before returning her gaze to the sparkling. "You got bored, didn't you?"

Aquarius tilts his helm, reaching frantically for the radio with an unhappy whine, causing his mother to chuckle lightly, carrying him up as she stands.

"You wanted music, huh? I'll get you music."

Will's eyes widen in the slightest at her statement, about to argue a point, as her taste in music isn't exactly the most child-friendly thing he's ever heard. He goes to grab her shoulder, eager to stop her from corrupting the processor of her child, only for the woman to expertly dodge his kidnapping attempt and shoot him a cheeky grin.

She wanders over to another table, one stacked high with CD cases and cluttered with self written albums. To her friend's dismay, she picks up the most violent looking disk and places it in the music player, switching it on with a swift click of a button.

The black disk spins in place, nothing but slight static escaping the speakers for a few moments before the music plays. It starts like a lot of her heavy metal disks, a low, baritone sound playing for a second, quickly replaced with a burst of triumphant trumpet sound.

Violins begin their assault, their tunes harmonious and valiant against the fluid and melodic sounds of flutes. The bass is quick to fight back, providing support for the braver of the instruments that rise to the challenge. Then the drums pound in an explosion of noise, silencing the others with their might, the battle of retaliation dying down to nothing but a faint drumroll.

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