Chapter 2 | | Newest | |

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"The world came from darkness, so we need not fear it, lest we forget ourselves."


"Oh, good Primus, Will, remind me to buy you lunch," Toby marches beside her friend, struggling to keep up with his fast pace.

The young man had swooped in at the last possible moment and saved her from the security check, having noticed her unusually panicked expression. It had taken several minutes, and more than a few angry shouts from the people in line, before security had begrudgingly let her go, telling her that she would need an official paper signed by someone of relative important the next time she went anywhere.

"Will do," he shoots her a grin, handing her a lanyard. "And next time, don't forget your ID."

The inventor groans, snatching her property from his outstretched fingers. She stuffs it in her pocket, huffing with annoyance.

"So," Toby glances at him, "what's with the manic behavior? You're usually pretty calm."

She shuffles a bit uncomfortably, shifting the package hidden beneath her jacket. "I'll show you on the plane."

He raises a brow, hoisting his duffle bag back onto his shoulder as he walks through the terminal. Certainly, he trusts the woman, but he's had his fair share of experiences with her that make him more than suspicious of her behavior.

Catching his expression, she corrects his thoughts. "It's nothing like that; it's actually quite serious."

"How serious?" He tilts his head, holding the door open for her as they leave the building, walking towards the military plane on the tarmac.

"I need to talk to Ratchet serious," she hums softly. "But not bad enough to be worried. Just confused."

Will nods slowly, smiling at one of the soldiers finding her seat. Seeing this, Toby gasps dramatically, whacking him in the arm.

"Look at you go, Lover Boy!" She laughs as he frowns, brows furrowed.

"I told you not to call me that."

The inventor grins, shaking her head while she finds her seat. Her hands shift to support the unnatural bulge in her jacket, buckling the seat belt over her lap. Sensing a presence beside her, she looks up at the confused man, brows high in question.

"Last time I checked, you weren't dating anybody, and you certainly weren't pregnant," Toby snorts as she listens. "So what did I miss?"

She chuckles, gesturing to the seat on her left while she unzips her jacket as slowly as possible. "Well, you know that I'll forever be single, and I'm definitely not pregnant. But I do, in a way, have a child."

The concern and confusion on her friend's face very nearly causes her to burst into hysterical laughter, only withholding it in remembrance of her passenger. At the sight of the tiny sparkling, he almost shouts, quickly finding a hand pressed over his mouth.

"Hush! You'll wake him."

Will nods, eyes wide in amazement. Shakily, he gulps, taking in the unexpected information. "So," he hums blankly. "Care to explain?"

"The young inventor sighs, rubbing her forehead. "Believe me, if I could, I would."

"You weren't kidding when you said you needed to talk with Ratchet," he comments, sliding his bag under his seat.

She rolls her eyes, pulling out her phone and flicking it on. "Of course not. I don't joke about this kind of thing."

Feeling a dull gaze on her, the woman looks back up, moving away slightly when discovering Will giving her an unimpressed stare.

Twisted Cogs | | Bayverse | | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now