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"There can be no stars without darkness."


Glittering stars of white and blue dot the inky black expanse of the night sky, flashing dully in tranquility. Dark sea waves crash on the glowing sand of the beach, the lapping water a soothing melody for those seeking comfort in this night. A gentle breeze, full of salt and cleansed air, plays with the whistling growths of grass and flowers, their scent mingling to withhold memories long forgotten by the races upon the earth.

A young woman, one who has spoken with beings of light and purity and walked away with the future of the world, approaches the tip of the land, where the heavens meet the water and the water greets the heavens. A strand of silver entwined with gold catches the starlight, flashing in an acceptance of presence as it sways in the air. Her features are pale and broad, though she wears no mask; tonight is a time of joy and celebration, one of few that she will be granted.

Roars of mirth shake the air, forcing the stars to tremble under its immensity. Such a joyous sound has not been heard from the foreign soldiers of war for a great many millennia. Their triumph goes to the heavens, every shout and hurrah fuelling the flare of the stars, now burning brighter with victory.

A gentle smile lifts the woman's lips, and her fiery hair sways as she shakes her head; it's a privilege to hear her comrades in such an event. Her eyes watch the skies for hints of those once lost to her realm, every twinkle, every flash, reflects in her bright eyes.

When two stars wink in sync, she chuckles, earning herself an echo of giggles. Her son clings to her side, a bright smile gracing his dermas.

He is unaware of why they are out here instead of inside with the others, but he makes little protest, having no wish to separate from the woman. The sparkling loves her too much to dare leave her side, and even on this clear night he has no interest in going to inspect the playful waters.

"Hey, Mom," she starts, smiling at the heavens while keeping the child in her peripheral. "It's been quite a while."

The starlight grows warm and pleasant during the chill of night. A motherly smile can almost be seen shining down over the two of them.

"I guess a lot has changed since last time," the young woman chuckles, lifting her son higher in her arms. "You and I have got a new titles now."

"Momma?" her child tilts his helm at her, curious as to why she speaks to no-one.

She grins down at him, kissing his fore-helm while gently rubbing his back. "You already knew when I met with you, but I thought you'd want a proper introduction to your grandson. I named him Aquarius, Mom. I named him after your favourite constellation."

He frowns slightly, confused. He's never met this person, or, at least, heard of them. They must be important if his mother's talking to them.

"Say 'hi', Akk," she persuades him, cooing softly. "She'll hear you."

The child babbles incoherently to himself, still failing to understand but wanting to please her nonetheless. "Hi?"

The young woman chuckles quietly, lowering her head to meet his optics. "You need to be a bit louder, darling."

His chassis sticks out as his tanks fill with air, and an expression of determination rests on his small face-plates. "Hiya!"

If she feels any pain, she hides it well, not even grimacing despite that he screamed right in her ear. Instead, a hearty laugh leaves her, making her son beam at his achievement.

"Definitely louder," she concludes, returning her eyes to the stars. "I think it would be wrong of me to move on. If I moved on, I'd forget you two, and I don't want to do that. I want to live every day in your memory."

A sort of comforting hum fills the surrounding air, overpowering even the joyous bellows of soldiers inside. It's soothing, a kind of presence that fills one from the soul to the heart. One can nearly feel a pair of loving arms wrap around them, promising safety from the outside world.

The young inventor smiles softly, almost leaning into the familiar presence. But her smile becomes a grin when she senses several others surround her.

They are gentle and practically nonexistent, but they remain, reminding her that she will never be alone. Each one is different, in size and expression, but they're there.

"The world will never forget you guys," she says, tears of happiness in her eyes as she watches her son eagerly reach out a servo to what appears to be empty air. "I will never forget you."

Her gaze is once again drawn to the heavens, and she chuckles soundlessly upon watching all of the stars flicker at once. She knows exactly who it is and she has no issue with laughing at his ridiculously childish antics. Surely it was done only for her, but the thought is mightily amusing.

"I refuse to let the world forget you."


And that's a wrap for book two, folks! This is really weird for me, but now we get to move on!

Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in the next one!

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