Welcome to my humble abode

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After a weeks journey from travelling from Galway to Birmingham, we finally arrived at my country manor on Thursday and word was sent to the Shelbys to come for their weekend stay that same day. Now with today being Friday, I had the maids preparing the house, the cooks cooking a feast and men taking care of the horse. My men were all in their designated courters getting ready for the arrival of our new associates, while I was in my bedroom getting prepared as well, as I had just finished putting on my lipstick I could hear cars coming up the drive, and the next thing I hear is Bobby calling me from downstairs. While giving myself a final look in the mirror, I make my way out of my room being sure to call my five dogs to follow me. As I slowly make my way down the stairs, I see the entire Shelby family. With a smile on my face I greet them in a joyous matter "well hello Shelbys and welcome to my home..." as I go to continue my sentence I hear some of the men mutter under their breaths "Jesus Tom her house is bigger than yours", "She really has the face of an angel", "fucking hell" The last one I laugh at assuming that it is based upon my outfit.

" as I go to continue my sentence I hear some of the men mutter under their breaths "Jesus Tom her house is bigger than yours", "She really has the face of an angel", "fucking hell" The last one I laugh at assuming that it is based upon my outfit

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"My name is Darcy Monaghan, and these fine men beside me are the men that I trust my life with Jimmy, Issac, and Bobby all in the order that they stand in" the boys greet them in the same matter that I have but less joyous. "Well well well my darling cousin aren't you going to introduce them to me?" I ask Lizzie with a laugh at the end of my question while hugging her. Lizzie laughs along with me and replies "why of course Darcy, the man facing you is Tommy, then beside him are Arthur and John. Beside John is his wife Esme and beside Arthur is his wife, Linda. Then beside Linda are Finn and Michael and finally, beside Esme are Ada and Polly. Then, of course, the children." Once Lizzie has finished introducing everyone to me, I call the maids and butlers to come and take everyone's bags and jackets to be put in their rooms. "Well, Mr Shelby or should I say Thomas it is a pleasure to put a face to the name", "As it is you, Darcy! It is true what they say about you" I look at him with a smile knowing what he is about to say "and what do they say about me Thomas?", he looks at me with a small smirk on his face,
"You Ms.Monaghan are the true representation of true beauty and the devil herself! A rare and beautiful sight to see". I laugh at his response giving a small smile to him. "Now the maids will look after the children, while we discuss business" after I have said this all of the men step forward ready to follow me and I turn with a confused look to the women and address the one named Polly, "Mrs Gray! Aren't you and the rest of the ladies coming" Polly turns to look at me and is about to answer but is interrupted by one of Tommy's brother Arthur I believe? "Women have no place in this part of the business" after hearing this I turn to look at him with a look that would strike anyone dead. I can listen to Issac laughing "you shouldn't have said that mate! She will call down the Hounds" Arthur turns to look at Issac with a sarcastic look before speaking "I thought...." and before he can even finish his sentence I let out a whistle, everyone seems confused until they hear the sound of paw coming down the stairs and looking to see ten pairs of eyes looking at them and growing as well. "Fucking hell, Tom! She fucking literally has fucking HELL HOUNDS."

I can only laugh at his reaction to my beloved dogs

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I can only laugh at his reaction to my beloved dogs. "Why yes, I do John someone has to keep you men in order when us women are too busy" the women laugh at the men standing stiff afraid of the five growling dogs in front of them. "Jimmy, Issac, Bobby why don't you walk these ladies to my office and get them a drink as well please", with a pure down and bright smiles the three of them take a woman or two on their arms and walk them to my office. As they walk away, I turn to the five men who stand before me "NOW! I will say this once, and once only these women will be included in all meetings if you want my help..." and before I can finish my sentence, by god do these people love to interrupt! Tommy goes to speak "women have no place in men's business" after this horrible sentence comes out of his mouth I have to resist the urge to slap him accord the face. The dogs can sense my anger towards this man and stand in front of me acting as a barrier ready to attack when the com and is given. "I like you Mr.Shelby run a business like yours; the only differences are that I run the operation and not a man" he turns to speak again, but I put my hand up to stop him "now those women will be apart of meetings as long as I am around Thomas and if any of you have a problem with that well fucking suck it up understand?". I look at them waiting for a response and while I am waiting I take this time to look at them all individuals, The are all handsome men but the one named Michael is the most handsome out of the five of them. "Very well Darcy if that is what you want then that is the way it will be" is the response I finally get off of Tommy. Looking him straight in the eye I smile at him "Perfect! Now if you gentlemen wish to follow me and the dogs then we will go to my office and have a short meeting then I will show you around the house and the grounds" I turn on my heel to walk away with the five of them in tow, while walking I speak again "and before I forget! I have another guest coming later this evening and I do believe he mentioned that he knows your family Thomas" and before he can reply I walk off ahead of them laughing my way into my office. "Fucking hell to what have you got us into" is what I can hear Arthur mutter to Tommy and this only adds to my enjoyment of the situation.

The Devil has a pretty faces ( Micheal Gray )Where stories live. Discover now