The Phone Call

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Darcy's POV:
"Am I the only fucking person in this place that works! For fuck sake, you were given one job one fucking job" to say I was mad was an understatement I was fucking furious. The person getting the ruff end of the stick is a new lackey that I had working on the illegal side of the business. " I told you to follow him! Not fucking go up and ask him where the fuck he was going", to say that there was fear in the eyes of the people around watching this lad getting yelled at was true but why wouldn't they be afraid when the devil is about to kill someone right in front of them . "I did follow him Ms.Monaghan, I did I did and he was going to Small Heath said he had business with the Peaky Blinders" by now you could here the fear in his voice and how he was trying not to tremble over his words. "And how in the name of CHRIST did you get all of this information" by this stage I was seeing red walking around the office as a result of being so mad, I could also see the smirking faces of my three most trust worthy friends. "I I I......." "I I I what use your words boy" I roared at the top of my voice, "I asked him Ms". I had to take a deep breath in feeling calmer now I spoke in a feed up tone being over the whole situation "you asked him, you asked him alright that's all I wanted to hear you say" I could see by looking at his face that he thought he was out of the sticky situation that he put himself in. Now tiring of the whole ordeal I stand behind the lad who's name I couldn't be bother to remember for the life of me, I look straight ahead at three sadistic smiles that are standing in front of my office door. " Jimmy, Issac, Bobby I'm done with this waste of space go have your fun!" The lads shoulders tensed at my statement while he was looking at the smiles I was looking at. Jimmy being the oldest was the first to speak " Alright boys! You heard Darcy, it's our turn now to have the fun" Issac and Bobby grabbed the lad by his shoulders dragging him out while he was wailing for his life. "Now be sure to teach him what happens when you don't follow orders Jimmy! Can't have that behavior now can we" I say all of this while looking at him straight in the eye with a matching sadistic smile to Jimmys on my face. "Don't worry Darcy the boys and I will show him what happens when you disobey the devil herself" he says all of this while walking out the door after Issac and Booby. Once the four of them leave I look around to see everybody watching me "GET BACK TO FUCKING WORK" I say while walking into my office making sure to slam the door in the process. Once I'm finally in my office I get myself a glass of whiskey, sit behind my desk and light a cigarette and breathe and then the fucking phone rings. "What the fuck do you want" I say down the phone waiting to hear a respond I take a pull of my cigarette. "Well now! That's a way to answer a phone cousin" the thick Birmingham accent of my cousin Lizzie can be heard coming from the other line with the sound of muffled voices in the back ground. "Well hello Lizzie fucking Stark! And what can I do for you my dear cousin" even though I already know the answer to the questions "we need your help Darcy, the Peaky Blinders need your help" all the while she is saying this I can hear someone telling her what to say "Tommy wants to speak to you Darcy" is what she says next, "Alright then Lizzie put Mr.Shelby on the phone then, don't want to keep him waiting". I can hear the phone being passed to someone else and the next voice I hear is the deep voice of the notorious Thomas Shelby. "Hello Ms.Monaghan" is the first thing he say, " Hello Mr.Shelby, I hear that you need my help" the sadistic smile making its appearance on my lips again, "The Peaky Blinders are in need of your assistance in getting rid of a mural threat, will you be of assistance to us" I can hear the reluctance in his voice asking for a woman's help. "You know that they call me the devil for a reason Mr.Shelby" I say to him waiting for his response "yes I do Ms.Monaghan, I do" is his reply in a humorous tone, "Well then Mr.Shelby! Are you ready to make a deal with the devil herself".

The Devil has a pretty faces ( Micheal Gray )Where stories live. Discover now