Making a deal with the devil

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As I make my way into my office with the Shelby men following behind my dogs and me walking either side of me, I see Jimmy, Bobby and Issac standing behind my desk and the Shelby women sitting with drinks in their hands and smoking cigarettes in different chairs in the room. As soon as Thomas walks in the door, the maids close it straight away. As I take my seat behind my desk, I address the men, "please, gentlemen! Have a seat and a drink, and we can begin this meeting", with that being said, some of them opt to get a drink before they sit and others opt to sit down. "Now I have come to the understanding that we have a common enemy, correct?" I take a sip of my glass of whiskey, waiting for one of them to respond. After a short second, Thomas beings to speak, "that is correct, Darcy! We have recently come under the threat of the Italian Mafia, Luca Changereta!". "Now I know what my issue with that bastard is, Thomas but what is yours! Would anyone other than Thomas like to tell me, how about you John?" the family loos shocked to see I'm addressing someone else in the family as Thomas is the self renound head of the family and business! But my men are looking at me trying there best not to laugh as they know that I am well aware of why the Shelby family is under threat. John finally opens his mouth to speak"Am, well fuck you see", but seems to be unable to structure a sentence. "Not to worry John!" i say, "I already know why, Luca Changereta and his men are after you and may I say bravo on killing his father! He was an even bigger bastard then his son". Finally! One of the women speak up after sitting there all quiet "and how do you know all of this information Darcy" says Ada, "well Ada! As I already told your brother we have a mutual friend who likes to keep me informed on my enemy's to keep me safe". I go to speak to Thomas again "So Thomas...." but I'm soon interrupted by Polly "who did he take from you love! I can see it in your eyes he took someone special". I close my eyes and take a breath before I respond to her " well Mrs.Gray...", "please love call me Pol" I look her in the eyes and smile "alright! Well Pol, you are right he did take someone and something from me! When I was young my family on I went on a trip to New York where my father had business with Luca Changereta and on that trip.....". I stand up and look out the window with my back facing them all so that they don't see me break "on the trip I was used as a pawn in my fathers dealings being the eldest girl! 15 years old at the time..." My sadness then changes into rages I am spilt second. I turn as fast as lightning on my heel slam my hand on my desk and look at them with a look in my eyes that made them all even Thomas flash with fear "and everyday for a month I was raped by that fucker and then again two years later when I was 17 my father died! A blessing that was I took over the business and made it 10 times better than what it was when my father was in charge. I cut ties with Luca wanting no more business dealings with him and in response the cunt killed my mother, siblings and my grandmother! The only family I had left was my uncle who lives in Camden and Lizzie!" Once I finished, I looked at them all to see their reactions, the women I could tell where angry I had to go through it and sad for the amount of loss I experienced at such a young age, while the men looked like they were going to murder someone after hearing the pain and torture Luca Changretta and his men put me through. Issac goes to speak while I gather myself " So Thomas" he says and then Bobby cuts in "are you and your boys ready to make a deal with the devil?". We wait a minute or two for his response as he looks at his family members for conformation and he then speaks "I and my family would like to make a deal with you Darcy! In regards to killing Luca Changretta and taking over his part in our world". I can tell by the look in his eyes that is anxious for my response, I look at him with my hand out the most malicious smile on my face "I will accept your deal Thomas! But I have one condition", "and what would that be Darcy" is his response. "My one condition is that I get the final shot that kills the bastard" he seems hesitant with my condition but I know and he knows that he needs my help more than I need his "I believe that can be arranged" he replies and finally shakes my hand in agreement "Well congratulations Shelbys" Jimmy says before I cut in "you have just made a deal with the Devil" my malicious grin still on my face. Everyone gets up to leave my office after we agree to enjoy the rest of the weekend here, but before the Shelby clan leave to adventure around the house I reminded them "now! Don't forget drinks in the lounge at 5:30 and dinner is at 6:00! It's a formal dinner tonight as I have another guest joining us tonight" they all say that they will be ready and in the lounge by then and leave my office closing the door leaving myself, Jimmy, Issac and Bobby. "Now remember boys Uncle Alfie is coming tonight..", "do they have any idea that he is your uncle" Bobby asks, I look at him with a devilish smile and reply "No! My dear Bobby. Not even Lizzie knows that I get the pleasure of calling the great Alfie Solomon, Uncle Alfie"

The Devil has a pretty faces ( Micheal Gray )Where stories live. Discover now