Chapter 3: Reunion

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        Three years has passed and the twins grew as expected. Rin is a beautiful, strong young lady who has a lot of manners. But even though she turned out to be successful, people still hated her but as her strong self, she was able to stand up for herself.

          Rin is in the music room at the moment, taking her dance lessons for tomorrow because she’ll be crowned queen. The earlier they start to practice, the more guaranteed it'll be a success

          “One, two, three. One, two three” Luka clapped her hands as she counted for Rin and Teto who was dancing around the room. Teto held one hand of Rin high and at that cue, Rin twirled making her prim blue dress, filled with small diamonds, flow gracefully. When Rin faced Teto, she kept a plain face and connected her palm to Teto’s and slowly circled clockwise then they used their opposite hand and turned counterclockwise.

          And at last, the made the final step where Rin spins while Teto was extending her palm to her and bowed.

          “You’ve done well, my lady” Luka said bowing to Rin. The blonde girl just nodded stonily and left the room as if on cue, Teto started to talk to Luka. “Poor girl, she’s changed . . . so much” she said sadly. “We can’t do anything about it but wait for Len to return” Luka said, exiting the room beside Teto. “Will she ever get her emotions back though? And even if he returns, will she know how to make this kingdom prosperous?”

          Luka thought about it, getting flashbacks of when Len and Rin were still kids. At that time, Teto was always busy with her job as a messenger so she didn’t get to know the twins better. Luka just smiled to herself and said, “She’ll be fine. When Len arrives, you’ll see . . . Rin will change” Teto thought about it deliberately and nodded, knowing she can trust the woman who has been taking care of the twins since birth.

          “Alright fine, let’s go prepare the ball room for tonight”

          “Len-sama, have you finished?” Gakupo peered through Len’s room. He was fixing his brown leathered coat and pants. “I just finished,” he said facing Gakupo “Is that carriage ready?”

          Gakupo bowed and answered a yes. “We shall leave then” Len walked out of his room and headed to the carriage.

          Len is preparing to back to Rin. He heard his sister was going to be crowned queen and that was the most important day of every princess’ life and as her brother and future courier, he won’t miss it for the world.

          “I see ya took good care far those lil’ birds” Magi said walking two steps behind Len while carrying his luggage. “Of course, I want to bring Rin a gift and this is the most beautiful one” Len said getting a white silk on top of the luggage Magi was carrying. “Why, ya even took good care for yer cage. It’s as good as new I tell ya”

          “It’s a majestic gold isn’t it” Len said covering the cage with the silk “This is how my sister’s eyes look like” he said smiling as he remembered Rin’s eyes. Magi smiled gently at Len too. “My, she does sound like a lovely one, is she?” Magi said opening the two huge doors to let Len pass. “Thank you” he said and settled himself in the carriage.

          “Take care young master” Gakupo and Magi bowed to Len and he smiled back. “Thank you for taking care of me” and the carriage set off.

          Rin looked down to her people from the fifth floor balcony of her room in her prim yellow gown, her silver crown fixed properly on her head and her fan covering half her face. Some people were either in peace and others would be fighting over food and her guards would attend to them.

          This sight was normal to Rin and it would be no surprise if one of her guards would end their life when they don’t listen. Actually, some of her guards were even quitting because one of them would be captured by the people and burn them to death. Slowly, Rin would be alone and no one to protect her until her people would have a chance to infiltrate her castle.

          She got distracted when she saw a magenta carriage stop in front of her gates. What does a magenta need here? She asked herself, lowering her fan slowly and raising a brow. Rin saw a blonde come out of the carriage but his back was turned.

          Is that. . . She thought and leaned closer and when the blonde turned, her eyes grew big          Len?!

          “Len-sama! Nice to see you again!” she saw Teto run to Len and led him in. As if on cue, Luka knocked on the door and opened it.

          “Rin-sa. . .” she got cut off by Rin who ran pass her. “I guess she already knew” Luka talked to no one in particular and picked up the crown that clattered on the floor. “I guess she already knew” Luka turned to face the rushing Rin.

          Len’s here, Rin thought to herself, running and slightly lifting her gown so she can run properly. He’s here, she said to herself again as she took a turn to the main hall where he should be by now. Is that really Len? It’s almost like a dream . . . Wait, is it? Rin stopped for a moment and pinched herself Nope, it’s not and she continued to run.

          While Rin was still running, Len on the other hand was waiting in the main hall. Rin took good care of this place, he said smiling at the painting of baby angels at the wall and the portraits of their parents and when they were young.

          I wonder how Rin will react if she sees me? How will she look like? Len wondered to himself anxiously, thinking that Rin would grow apart from him. He shrugged the thought away and tried to be optimistic.

          His thoughts slowly got interrupted when he heard faint sounds of clicking heels getting louder. He slowly turned to the direction it was coming from then saw Rin panting. Her fan was lowered to chest level and her right hand was lifting a side of her gown up.

          Even Len was surprised but he smiled and bowed with one hand on his chest to her.

          Rin’s eyes were shaking, her shoulders were going up and down from all the panting then suddenly, a smile went on her face. She ran to Len and hugged him down. Len was surprised to hear sobs near his ears. “I missed you” Rin said through sobs hugging Len tighter. Len used his right hand to hold Rin’s nape as a hug while his left was supporting their weight.

          They both faced each other and smiled their foreheads together. “I’m back, Rin” he said.



Yo! Sup peps! So this is the thrid chapter and I posted the other video which I followed when I was small in making this f*cking hard story. Sorry guys for swearing. I'm watching Jenna Marbles right now and I'm f*cking getting her awesome sh*t virus. Please don't stop reading because of this. So yeah, that's it. Have a nice night. I made this at 9:33 pm on Oct 26 alright. Tata!

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