The First Day

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"This is bullshit." Violet said for the umpteenth time on the 20 minute bus ride from the dorms to the new highschool. The school was able to let the kids who couldn't go all the way back home, stay in the dorms and ride the bus to the new highschool they were integrated into.

All of Violets friends were sitting near the back of the bus waiting to get to the new school. "We know Vi. It's not like you haven't been saying that for the past 15 minutes." Marlon cut in with his equally grumpy tone making both Minerva, who was sitting next to her girlfriend, and Louis laugh at their unenthusiastic view.

Louis threw an arm over Marlon's shoulder before he spoke. "C'mon guys it can't be that bad. Besides this highschool is not for troubled youth so we will have more freedom." This made Sophie, who was quite the whole bus ride, roll her eyes.

"Who knows maybe it won't be so bad." Brody said peeking her head out over the back of Violet's seat. "Or it will be horse shit and we will be stuck as the new kids in a foreign place." Violet grumbled before crossing her arms just as the bus came to a slow stop.

"Looks like we'll have to test that theory now." Mitch said as he was the first one up and the only one besides Sophie who didn't really care about the school change. Then Louis called out to his group before they could get off the bus.

"Who knows maybe this school has some potential date material for us singles." This made Violet snort as she followed Minerva off the bus to face their new school.

"Hey look a map of the school so we don't get lost." Brody said pointing at said map and took out her schedule. The rest of the group took out theirs as well to map out a plan.

About 5 confusing minutes later they seemed to give up and were just about to go their separate ways when someone interrupted their conversation. "Hey you guys seem a little lost, need any help?"

It was a brunette with curly hair and amber colored eyes accompanying a dazzling smile. She had a blue baseball cap on and wore a white shirt under her blue jacket and ripped blue jeans that paired well with her beat up purple converse.

Ruby being the mom of the groups spoke up first. "We can't really understand this map all that well so that would be much appreciated." The girl smiled wide at them and nodded. "Ok so this L shaped building is the health building, you can see it from here right next to the gym." She continued to explain while alternating between pointing at the map and pointing at the different buildings around them.

After she finished she asked the group of friends a question. "If any of you guys have Cruff I can take you with me." All the kids looked at their schedules to see their first period teachers name. The girl waited while they all checked their schedules, memorizing faces so she could put names to them later.

"Oh shit I never introduced myself did I? Sorry, my names Clementine, Clementine Everett Hutchison." The first one to introduce themselves was Louis being as flirty as ever.

"I'm Louis but you can call me your future boyfriend." To everyone's pleasant surprise, Clementine just giggle at his antics. She opened her mouth to respond to him but was interrupted by a voice from behind her.

"That was a pretty good one." It was a boy around the same height as Louis if not a little taller than him. He had light brown hair in a wavy mess and shaved sides. He had on a soccer jersey and ripped jeans, a big grin on his face.

His statement made Clementine breakout in a full laugh before punching his arm lightly making him chuckle and rub the spot she hit. "Shut up Duck." She said in a teasing tone before turning to introduce the boy to the new kids.

"This is my best friend, Duck. His real names Ken Jr but personally I like Duck better." Said boy sent a wave to the kids. Louis not being phased by the new person continued on. "This is Violet and her girlfriend Minnie. The one with the bad haircut is Marlon and to his left is Brody. That's Sophie Minerva's twin sister, next to her is Mitch. You've already met Ruby and that guy next to her is Aasim."

Clementine nodded listening intently, making sure to put faces to names. Duck also listened because he could tell these people would be around more often if Clementine took a liking to them. Just as Clem opened her mouth to speak the bell rang out in a signal that it was time to head to class.

Duck waved and yelled to Clem that he would see her at lunch as he ran towards the gym in an attempt to make it to class on time. Clementine just waved back before turning to the others. "So that offer to walk you guys to Cruffs class still stands if you have the class."

Only Violet, Minerva, Sophie, and Brody had the class with Clementine so she was showing them the 'Tourists Spots' of the school on the way. At one point Clementine made Violet laugh and at first Clementine thought nothing of it, until she saw Minerva glaring at her from her peripheral vision.

'Oh no what did I do?' Was Clementine's first thought as they entered the classroom just a couple of seconds before the late bell rang.  With a sigh she pushed it to the back of her mind before seeing a girl with dark hair and red glasses wave her down from the back of the classroom where some empty seats were scattered around in the rows of the classroom.

"Hey Clem, who are your new friends?" "Hey Sarah, these are some of the Ericson kids, Violet, Minerva, Sophie, and Brody. Guys this is Sarah, she's supposed to be a senior but she was homeschooled for a while so they held her back a grade when she went to public school." Clementine explained as they all went to an empty seat.

They all sat relatively close to each other but not necessarily next to each other. The class was slow and full of awkward ice breakers from the new kids in the class then a announcement. "You kids joined us just in time," Mr.Cruff said in his deep voice,"we are just about to start a project. I have picked out pairs with my new roster and the topic is the Romans. You can make a power point, a poster, or type an essay. It doesn't matter as long as it has all the points on the rubric." As he explained manny kids groaned and complained about the assigned partners.

He passed out the rubric and started calling out the partners. "...Brody and Sarah, Violet and Minerva, Sophie and Clementine..." He continued on until everyone had a partner except one group of three people because of the odd number of kids. "Alright kids get up and go to your partners. You can start now but it's due two classes from now."

And with that he went to his desk to grade papers, leaving the students to work amongst them selves. 'Well this should be interesting.' Was all Clementine thought as she made her way to Sophie, who was sitting behind Brody, to start their project.

Honestly we need more Clementine x Harem fanfics. They are great and we love a polyamouras queen UWU

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