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Clementine was woken up by a light shaking of her shoulder. The first thing she noticed was the warmth of two bodies on her sides. She wanted so bad to just sink back into the warmth but the shaking was still going and she was being forced to wake up.

Finally opening her eyes she noticed it was Lee who was waking her up. "Hey sweet pea I know you had a rough day yesterday so if you don't feel up for school today that's ok, but if you do then you need to start getting ready." She nodded before weighing her options.

'School means seeing Sophie right now and I don't think I can handle that. No school means a crap ton of homework and schoolwork to make up and add to my stress...I guess I'm going to school.' With her mind made up Clem proceeded to wake up the girls who had fallen asleep next to her.

Ava woke up with a grumpy scowl on her face before trying to fall back asleep on the sofa. Sarah had always been a light sleeper so she woke up quickly and had no problems getting up. Eventually they convinced Ava that they all needed to get ready for school. The actual process of getting ready was rather fast because they worked together like a well oiled machine.

Lee waited for them so he could drive them knowing they likely would miss the bus if they left now. It wasn't a long wait before they were all ready to go. AJ, not needing to get to school until later, was there to say goodbye and he brought them the snack bars he knows Clem likes before they left.

The car ride was silent but not uncomfortably so. Lee could tell they were all pretty tired still so he held back any conversation. He instead turned on some soft acoustic guitar music that he usually kept in the car to calm AJ down.

Clem knew what he was doing and was immensely grateful for her adoptive dads ability to read people. Her mood was starting to lighten as she sunk into the warmth of Sarah's side while listening to the gentle tone of the music.

But as the car came to a stop the reality of the situation weighed down on Clem once again. She not only had to see Sophie again but Minerva too in their fist class. With a heavy sigh she followed Sarah and Ava as they got out of the car.

By the entrance of the main building sat Duck looking obviously worried. When he spotted them his face lit up but soon faded as he saw the tired look on Clem's face. "Hey I noticed you weren't on the bus this morning and got worried. I tried to call but it went to voicemail... What's wrong?" He rambled off before seeing Clem's eyes gloss over. "I...told Sophie about me...she...well I'm sure you can figure out the rest." Clem explained with sniffles in between her pauses as she attempted with all her might to not cry before school, and especially not cry before having to see Sophie.

Duck immediately threw his arms around his best friend. "Why am I a freak Duck?" She murmured into his shirt making his heart break. Clem had many people who just casted her aside or cut her out of her life because she is poly and it made him so sad that he couldn't do anything other than hold and console her.

"Clem you're not a freak. Just because she's not willing to accept you doesn't mean you're in the wrong." He could tell she didn't believe him by how she tightened her hold on him. Then the bell rang. 'Damnit I can't just leave Clem like this.' As soon as Duck thought that Ava and Sarah moved in to coax Clem off of him and Sarah worked a piece of cloth over Clem's face to wipe away her tears.

"C'mon Clem we have to get to class." Ava said as she rubbed Clem's arm in a comforting manner. Clem just nodded before rubbing her face then putting on a blank expression. They knew that face. Clem hadn't pulled that face since she and Gabe broke up after he tried to make her leave Sarah. She wouldn't let Sophie see her cry, that they were certain.

"I'll see you at lunch Duck." And with that she started walking into the main building to get to class. Sarah and Ava trailing behind her as they waved goodbye to Duck who sighed before running off to gym.

When the girls made it to their shared history class the teacher had just arrived so the class started then. Clementine didn't look anywhere else than the projector screen in fear that she would see Sophie. While worrying about the girl a few spots away from her was tiring, Clem kept her eyes forward and not fluttering about.

If she did she would have noticed that Sophie was staring at her from her seat. Minerva was also sneaking glances at her from time to time. However, unlike Clementine, Ava was watching both of the twins.

For Clementine the class seemed to drag on and on, and when the bell rang she was one of the first packed and ready to go. She only looked back to see if Ava was ready to go. That's when she saw Sophie looking at her. Clementine held her blank expression until she saw Sarah approach her.

"Have a good day Clemmy, I'll see you at lunch." She said before pecking her cheek and heading out of the class. Clem's face visibly brightened after the kiss only to dim once more when she saw that Sophie was now staring at her desk hard in what Clem interpreted as anger. With a sad sigh she grabbed Ava's hand and walked out of the room.

"How are you holding up Clem?" Ava asked as they made their way to the theater for drama class. "I just want today to be over." Clementine said in a soft tone. The exhaustion in her voice broke Ava's heart and once again Ava contemplated having a 'talk' with sophie but decided she would rather not go to jail again.

The rest of the walk was silent, the hallways however were as loud as always and their hands stayed together as they cut through the crowded area. Once at the theater they signed in on a sheet of paper for attendance and waited on instructions.

The teacher, Ms.Saldaña, was going over the lighting and sound booth today so all of the students were going in small groups of four to get the lesson on how everything operates. Ava just so happened to be chosen with another group leaving Clementine alone.

"Hey you seem quiet, what's wrong?" Louis said as he moved from his original seat to Ava's. Clementine immediately dispelled the notion but Louis wasn't convinced. "C'mon Clem tell good ol' Lou what's wrong." He said while gesturing to himself in an exaggerated manner.

Clem laughed making Louis grin. "There she is, the infamous Clemster ready to laugh at my jokes at all times." He said making Clem laugh harder. Her laughter making his grin widen. Once she had calmed down a bit she started talking.

"Thank you Louis. I really needed a good laugh." "I can tell. What's got you so down in the dumps." Clem debated with herself for a while before deciding to keep it vague. "So there was this girl..."

Welp sorry this took forever. I've never really been a consistent writer but i hope you like this anyway

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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