The Bonding

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The rest of the Ericson's kids day was uneventful. Even at lunch nothing really happened aside from Louis flirting with Clementine when she brought them to her and her friends table. Them being Duck, Sarah, James, and his boyfriend Charlie. The day was full of introductions and number exchanges.

Now it was their second day and they didn't need any help to find their classes. In Mr.Cruff's history class he lectured for most of the class before giving the kids the last twenty minutes to work on their projects. That's when Clementine asked a simple question that would change everything.

"Hey Sophie can we work on this after school at your place. I would offer mine but my dad is having his girlfriend over and that means I can't have guests." Minerva was a little ways away from the two, working on her poster with Violet, when she heard the exchange and immediately looked at Sophie for an answer.

Sophie being the kind person she is immediately agreed much to Minerva's displeasure. Once she seemed to sense Minerva looking at her she turned to face her. "Is that alright Minnie, I know you'll just go over to Violets dorm to work on the project anyways." Minerva not seeing a way out of this kept a straight face before shrugging and going back to work.

Clementine noticed the way Minerva was acting and a frown etched it's way onto her face if only for a second before Sophie turned back to face her. The others seemed to warm up to her quite a bit, why was Minerva not only not warming up to her but had seemed to take a disliking to her. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she talked to Sophie about their essay they were working on. 'At least one of the twins likes me.' The thought made Clementine giggle.

~Time Skip by the gays~

It was the end of the day for the highschool and all of the kids were hurriedly pushing through the doors in a rush to get home. All except the Ericson kids that had to take the bus back to their former school. The only difference from yesterday was that Clementine was now sitting with all of the kids in the back of the bus, more specifically next to Sophie who was telling her an embarrassing story about Louis. All the while he tried to make noise so she couldn't hear her but that didn't work.

Soon Clementine was laughing with the rest of the group minus Louis about the time they went camping and Louis got attacked by a squirrel. "Hey that squirrel was a jerk ok." Louis said embarrassed but a smile on his face as he watched Clementine laugh.

It wasn't a long ride but maybe that's because it was full of friendly laughter and funny stories. They all piled off the bus eager to be free from the small space of the bus. Clementine was marveling at the size of the school when Sophie grabbed her hand to lead her to her room.

Clementine being the chaotic bisexual she was blushed at the feeling of the girl's hand in hers. 'Oh fuck her hands are so soft, I'm to gay for this.' Clementine thought as she followed Sophie to her room to work on their essay. Clementine was known to like people very quickly, she wished she wasn't as it had caused her a lot of pain and trouble.

That's why Duck was always so cautious when she introduced him to new people. Sarah was also cautious but that was more for her girlfriends wellbeing than if the people are good influences or not. She worried a lot just like her dad, but Clementine helped with her anxiety so she worried a bit less.

Clementine was brought back into reality when her hand was released by Sophie as she unlocked and opened her door. "Come on in, this is Minnie and I's room." The room was a blue color but it's walls were mostly covered with paintings and posters of bands. Clementine noticed a guitar in the corner of the room. Sophie had told her that she loved painting as well as other arts and crafts but she never had seen any of her artworks.

"Wow. These are beautiful." Clementine mumbled under her breathe as she examined a painting of the twins and a little boy that Clementine recognized barley. "Is that Tenn?" She asked turning to Sophie only to catch her staring at her before they both turned away from each other. After a bit of a pause Sophie answered with a nod before asking her own question.

"Wait I never showed you Tenn how do know him?" "Oh he's my little brother's best friend. AJ talks about him a lot and I see him when I pick up AJ." "Oh yeah I know AJ. Short little kid with a afro right?" Clementine smiled wide at the mention of her little pride and joy as she nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah that's my little goofball." The nickname made Sophie giggle as she went over to her bed before patting the spot next to her. Clementine, still a little awkward because of her small crush she had developed on Sophie in such a small time period, took the seat only close enough to see the laptop screen that they shared.

Sophie frowned when she noticed but otherwise thought nothing of it. They worked together to write the last two pages that they needed for the essay to follow the rubric they were handed. With their combined knowledge they made quick work of the essay.

After Sophie put her laptop down on the desk by her bed she laid back and stretched out. Clementine laughed at this display before doing the same. Sophie, still feeling the awkwardness from Clementine a little bit, turned towards her to ask her about it. As she turned her head so did Clementine and the result was that their faces were close enough to feel each others breathe.

Before Sophie or Clementine could think,their lips were on each others. One of them had moved. Neither girl knew who closed the distance but they didn't care. Their lips stayed conjoined in a innocent and gentle kiss, but the tone of the kiss shifted when Sophie pushed herself up on her elbows making her hover over Clementine.

The kiss was just turning passionate when the door was thrown open. The two girls broke apart quickly, but the damage was done. In the doorway stood Minerva and Violet, both having red cheeks after walking in on the girls essentially making out.

"Sophie what the fuck?"
I love the idea of Clementine being too gay to function around Sophie because honestly same and I know more people can relate. Also yes Clementine is a Chaotic Bisexual.

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