Not So New Kid

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Lee agreed to Ava staying in the guest room on one condition, she stays out of Clem's room at night unless the door is open. Clementine blushed when this rule was established while Ava just laughed at her embarrassment.

Once everything was settled Clementine took out her phone to text Sarah and tell her what had happened. After explaining to her, she brought up Duck's contact and explained to him as well since both him and Sarah are the only one's that know about Clementine's connection with The New Frontier.

Ava stayed pretty quite on the ride back after Lee had let her stay. It was silent for a while until Ava asked a question. "How's your little boy doing Clem?" Clementine immediately perked up to talk about her little brother. "That's right you haven't seen him since he was a baby right? Here I have pictures, but he should be at home so you can see him in person again. He might not remember you though."

And Clementine was off talking about her little brother the rest of the ride.

~Time skip by the gays again~

"Ava come on we're gonna be late if we don't hurry." Clem's voice could be heard through the house as she called for her old friend. AJ who was eating breakfast at the table turned to her. "So she knew me when I was a baby right?" Clem nodded as she heard Ava's footsteps on the stairs. "Then why don't I remember her?"

"Well goofball no one really remembers when they were a baby, not even me or Lee." Clementine explained to him. "Oh." Was all he said before going back to eating his breakfast. Not long after Ava came down the stairs in a black hoodie and blue jeans.

"How do I look Queen Clem?" The nickname made Clementine snort before responding. "Like a emo disaster." "Great just what I was going for." Clementine laughed as they made their way passed a old mustang in the driveway to walk to the bus stop. "Why do you have that in your driveway?"

"Oh it's my future car, Kenny is helping me fix it up. He bought it for me from the junkyard because he wanted to teach me how to work on cars since I can't work on boats out here. He got one for Duck too." Ava nodded along as they came to a stop at a bench to wait for the bus.

"It's good to see you getting better." Ava's voice was small as she spoke. Clementine sighed before continuing. "Yeah, it feels good to be in control of my life again. Granted it took a lot of therapy and hobby searching, but I guess it was worth it." Ava just nodded again as the bus pulled up.

"C'mon I need to show you around the school soon so you know where everything is." Clementine said as she walked to the doors that had just been opened by the driver. Ava hurried after the girl and sat by her on the bus. They stayed in silence until after a few stops they saw Duck get on the bus.

"Hey Clem, Hey Ava." He greeted once he saw them before taking a seat. Although Duck is known for his energy, he was surprisingly mellow at any hour before nine in the morning. It wasn't long before Sarah got on the bus as well. Both her and Duck were seated behind Clementine and Ava.

"Hey Clemmy, Hi Ava." Ava smirked before turning to Clementine who's cheeks were pink. "Clemmy huh." Sarah giggled at her girlfriend being so embarrassed before suddenly remembering something. "Clemmy can you tell the rest of the story? The one about what happened yesterday with Sophie."

"Oh yeah I totally forgot to tell you the rest." Duck and Ava both looked very interested. "Ooo story time." Duck said as they all turned their attention to Clementine for the ride.

It wasn't long before both the story and bus ride came to an end. The kids hurried in an attempt to have time to show Ava around the school. Ava though didn't understand why. "I'm going to stay by Clem's side most of the time, so why do I need to know my way around?"

"Think of it as more of a new kid ritual." Duck answered as they continued to show her the buildings and their rooms. "You have the same classes as Clem right?" Sarah asked as the girls came to their last stop, the first class of the day, Duck already having ran off to make it to gym on time.

"Yeah, I don't know how but I do." Ava answered as they walked in. They walked through the door and Ava immediately noticed the way one girl glared at Clementine, and soon so did Clementine. She also noticed the way Ava tensed before she glared back at her.

"Ava It's ok that's just Minerva." This did nothing to calm her down as they walk to Clementine's seat with Sarah walking to her own. Much to Ava's dismay though the only open seat was not as close to Clementine as she would have hoped. So both girls split but soon Clementine turned in her chair to face her with a questioning gaze, before mouthing 'it's ok I promise she's not that bad.'

Ava sent back a concerned look before putting her hands around her mouth and mouthing, 'What if she tries to hurt you Clem?' To that Clementine gave her a reassuring look before the teacher hushed all the students and class started.

Only fifteen minutes into the class Clementine was interrupted in note taking by a small ball of paper landing on her desk. She made sure the teacher was distracted before opening it. It read, (678) 999-8212 Text me Sophie x. (AN-If you know this number you are a god.)

She quickly took out her phone and entered the number onto her contacts before texting Sophie a simple 'hey it's Clem'. Sophie responded not long after, and since they were not that far from each other in the classroom they could also convey facial expressions to each other when they didn't know what to say. The texting mostly consisted of them talking about themselves.

Suddenly Clementine remembered that she has yet to tell Sophie about her relationship with Sarah. So she asked if they could meet after school for a little bit. Sophie agreed and they continued with their conversation.

Time passed a little faster for them as they seemed surprised when the bell rang. Everyone started filling out into the crowded hallway. Everyone except Ava and Clementine. "What do we have next Clem?" "Drama." This provoked a groan from the darker girl as they started the walk to the auditorium.

"Anyone I should know about in there?" Clementine giggled before answering. "There's this kid named Louis he's pretty extroverted, but he is a really good actor." Ava's next statement made Clem burst into a full belly laugh. "Oh great one overexcited guy was enough, I don't need another Duck."

Suddenly Clementine's smile lessened before turning to Ava. "What's the plan to catch the Delta member that is in neutral ground? I can't have a threat like that hanging over my family and friends." Ava took hold of her bicep, where her brand was, as an act of comfort. "As soon as possible, Javi and Gabe are already snooping around while I stay with you just in case they try to attack before we can find them."

This made Clementine take a deep breath before she realized they had stopped walking and needed to get to class. "C'mon we gotta go." And the topic was dropped as they speed walked as to not be late.

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