The First Meeting

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Ava followed Clementine as she weaved through a crowd of people to get to the cafeteria, their hands interlocked as to not lose each other. Clementine was really excited for Ava to be introduced to the whole group. She had met some of the kids in previous classes but couldn't really get to know anyone because classes were very fast paced.

They were greeted by James and Charlie who had gotten to the table first. "Oh hello I don't believe we've met." James stated when he noticed Ava. Clementine cut in, "Guys this is Ava an...old friend. Ava this is James and his boyfriend Charlie." James being the observant person he was noticed the hesitation. Then he noticed their interlocked hands and before he could stop himself, he commented.

"Friends?" Was all he asked while his gaze stayed on their hands. Both girls followed his gaze to their hands and immediately let go of one another when they realized what he was insinuating. "I uh yeah. We're just, just friends." James immediately flew into an apology. "I am sorry, l didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Ava was the one to speak next. "No it's fine really."

Before they could continue Louis and Marlon sat down at the table. "Hello ladies." Was how they were greeted by Louis while Marlon just waved before walking to the lunch line. Clem giggled while Ava rolled her eyes. "Oh great he's a more flirtatious Duck. Just what I need."

Clem, James, and Charlie all laughed at Ava's complaint while Louis just took a dramatic pose as if he had been stabbed in the heart. "I'm wounded. You are one harsh audience." After a little more laughing Clem and Ava got in the lunch line with Louis. There Ava was properly introduced to him.

"Louis Ava is new here and an old friend of mine. Ava you remember Louis from theater class right?" Ava nodded as they sped through the line to get their food. "Well it's nice to officially meet you Ava." Ava replied with a 'you too' as they made their way back to the table to find the group was all there except James and Charlie who could be seen at the end of the lunch line waiting their turn.

As they all sat with Ava by Clem's side and Louis on her other side. As they sat Clementine spoke. "Guys this is Ava, a friend from before I moved here, she just transfered to this school. Ava you've already met Louis. Next to him is Violet, then Minerva, Sophie, Marlon, Brody, Aasim, Ruby, Omar, and you've already met James,Charlie and Sarah and Duck."

Ava took note of all the names and faces before putting a smirk on her face. "Nice to meet you all. Forgive me if I take a while to put names to faces." Everyone said their greetings before a question was asked by Violet. "So Ava how did you meet Clem?" Both girls turned to look at each other before Ava shifted a bit in her seat.

"She used to live in my hometown Richmond, she took me in during a really bad storm. Gave me shelter, warmth, and food, saved my life if I'm being honest. After she moved here we never really talked anymore until I transferred." Ava put her hand over her shoulder that was covered by her black hoodie as a form of comfort in an attempt to forget the events that took place hours before she met Clem.


The drug deal had been a bust. The group Ava had shown up with had scattered in all directions as the cops broke down doors with their guns raised. When they noticed everyone running they opened fire. Ava was fast but a bullet is always faster. She doesn't know where exactly she was hit but she knows her shoulder hurts like hell as she runs through alleyways. She doesn't know where to run, she can't really see in the rain that well. She does know she can't stop moving though, and she needs to get help or she'll bleed out.

She doesn't slow down as she makes twists and turns to different streets. Her shoulder has dulled in pain but now all she can feel is the cold rain mixed with the wind. It wasn't long before her wound got the better of her and she started limping along an alleyway, using the wall of an abandoned building to keep herself moving.

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