The Explanation

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'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit' was the only thing going through Clementine's mind as both Minerva and Violet looked to her and Sophie still waiting for an explanation. The only problem was neither girl had an explanation.

Violet seemed to notice the pure panic radiating off both of the girls, because she grabbed Minerva's hand and pulled her away. She even closed the door on her way out, most likely to give Clementine and Sophie some privacy to process what had just happened.

Minnie's protests were muffled by the door as Violet dragged her away. A silence was left weighing on the girls, before Clementine broke it."I...Shit. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-I mean not that I don't like you- shit." Sophie's face grew red as she stared anywhere but Clem.

The silence was back and almost suffocating. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble with your sister. And about the um kiss, we've only known each other for a couple days. I'll just um...I uh think I should get going." Clementine turned to look at Sophie after she finished talking, only to find Sophie still looking away from her.

With a sigh, Clementine grabbed her bag that was by the edge of the bed and got up to leave. Before she could move she felt a soft hand hold her wrist. Her breathe caught as she turned to see Sophie standing while looking at the ground, trying to hide her face.

Clementine being shorter could still see her face, her eyebrows were furrowed and her cheeks were pink. They stayed like that for what felt like forever before Sophie looked up and started to speak. "That...I um....I-"she just cut herself off with a sigh before eyeing Clem's face.

Clementine took notice and her cheeks turned pink at how vulnerable Sophie was making her feel. Even with Sophie examining her Clem kept her eyes on Sophie, not looking away for even a moment. In the blink of an eye Sophie's lips were on hers again.

This kiss felt different, it wasn't an experiment like the first. The kiss was firm and both girls knew what was happening unlike the first one. It wasn't long before Sophie pulled away but stayed close to Clem's face as they both tried to figure out what the other was thinking.

"That was um my first kiss with a girl." Sophie whispered out afraid to break whatever spell had been put on the two as they stayed only inches apart. A small smile formed on Clem's lips before she went on her tiptoes to steal another kiss. This one was short and sweet and Clementine's smile could be felt in the kiss.

"I have only known you for two days you know." Sophie stated as she wrapped her arms around Clementine's waist, bending slightly at the height difference. In response to this Clem let her arms rest on Sophie's shoulders.

"Well then I guess we have a lot to learn about each other. I mean if you'll have me." Clementine stepped away from Sophie as she said the last part. As an answer Sophie pulled her close once more making Clem smile so wide her cheeks hurt.

"There is one thing you need to know about me before we-" Clementine was cut off my the door opening startling both girls, making them jump apart. They both turned to see Minerva and Violet standing by the door. "Oh your still here." Was all Minerva said as she walked in.

Clementine opened her mouth to talk but was once again cut off by the short haired twin. "Just- look can I just have a private talk with Sophie?" Clem closed her mouth before turning to said girl and winking. She quickly grabbed her bag and speed walked out of the room, passing by Violet who was still standing by the door probably waiting for the twins to talk.

Clementine nodded at her on the way out. As she left she remembered something very important. "Shit! I didn't get her number. I'm so fucking stupid." She held her head in her hands for a second before pulling out her phone to call Lee to pick her up.

After talking to him she pulled up Sarah's number and hit call. It rang twice before she picked up. "Hey Clemmy." "Sarah you won't believe what just happened." "Let me guess, hmmm, you got a new crush?" Clem giggled at how close she was to the right answer. "Close, but I think I just got another girlfriend. I do need to tell her about well you know us, but I don't think that will be much of a problem. At least I hope it won't."

"Awww Clem I'm so happy for you. Who? Do I know her? Tell me all the details." Clem smiled wide at her girlfriends excitement before diving into all the details as she walked out of the school to wait for her adoptive father.

Just as she was getting to the part where she was about to leave the first time someone called out for her. A female voice she vaguely recognized. She turned to see a face she hadn't seen in many years. Not since she was  thirteen. "Uh babe I'm gonna have to call you back."

Without waiting for Sarah to reply she hung up and turned to fully. "Ava what are you doing here?" Clementine went tense at seeing her, Ava noticed. "I came to warn you. The Delta they attacked The New Frontier last week. This is an act of war." Clementine stayed very still before shaking her head.

"What does this have to do with me?" "We think they might try to hurt you, you are one of our celebrated hero's after Richmond. They might want to hurt you or make you fight for them. We care about you Clem, and we won't let anything happen to you or your family." While Ava explained Clementine just stared at the ground with her face blank.

"Why would they know where I am, I dropped off the grid after the battle of Richmond remember. This territory is unclaimed by any gang." Ava sighed before continuing. "We thought so too. This place was supposed to be gang free for the people, but we intercepted a message saying that they knew where you were and wanted permission to attack. We believe that Delta has members in the area that are going after you."

Clementine blank face broke into a serious scowl. "They are really going for a low blow huh." Ava nodded before talking again. "I'll be staying close to you and your family until your safe. They have enrolled me in the school your at so I can stay close without suspicion." Clementine sighed before asking,"Where are you staying?"

Ava answered, "They are paying for a apartment close to your house." Clementine furrowed her eyebrows once again. "I know the Frontier is low on money, you can stay in my guest room. I know Lee wouldn't mind, and if he does I can always sneak you into my room and let you stay there."

Ava smiled and nodded, "Always ready to help huh Clem." Clementine rolled her eyes before they both heard a honk from behind Ava. "Guess that's our que. C'mon we need to ask Lee if you can stay for a while." Ava followed behind Clementine as they both made their way to Lee's car.
Bet you guys didn't see that coming. I needed something to spice this story up so I thought why not a gang war that Clem gets caught between in. This is gonna be fun guys I promise although it might get real sad real fast. UwU

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