Chapter 26: Battle Of The Nephilims

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The Dreamcatcher sat silently in the living room, eating their takeouts. Tension can be felt in the air. So much that Siyeon slammed her foot on the ground, breaking off the silence.

"You okay?" Handong asked her, still looking on her food.

"It has been three days! We got nada on JiU. How can all of you sitting here eating like nothing happened?!" Siyeon shouted at them.

"Sit down and just eat your food, unnie." Dami responded flatly.

This only made Siyeon more furious. She slapped Dami's food out of her hand. Dami just hung her head low and scratched her head, lighting up her cigarette. Handong suddenly stood up and grabbed Siyeon by her collar.

"Don't get conceited, bitch! What can you do, huh? What can you fucking do in your state now?!" Handong yelled at Siyeon. Suddenly SuA burst into flames.

"It is rude to fight in front of foods. I bet at a certain point of your life, someone had taught you that." SuA growled at them. Her glare meant business. Immediately Siyeon and Handong broke off their fight.

"But SuA... JiU..." Siyeon almost broke into tears.

"You think you're the only one who worried about her? What about me? Her girlfriend? We only have less than half of our combat abilities now. Yoohyeon can take all of us at our fullest without breaking a sweat. We would be annihilated right now!" SuA yelled at them, trying her best to withold her tears.

"My girls are all over finding them. So just sit your fucking asses off and concentrate on your recoveries." SuA wiped her tears and started to sob. Siyeon came towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Sorry, SuA ah... Sorry.." Siyeon kissed SuA's cheek. She felt like a fool right now, not even considering how SuA felt. Dami and Handong came forward and all of them hugged together.

"Unnie... Sorry. We will find JiU unnie. We will." Dami whispered to SuA.


"Wow... I guess the movie really on point afterall. Soldiers really don't break upon torture in interrogation" Yoohyeon whistled. JiU was drenched in her own blood. Her right leg was chopped off.

"Fuck you..." JiU spat to the ground.

"Funny the wounds healed but your limbs don't grow back. I thought regenerative ability do have that in the store." Yoohyeon picked JiU severed leg and licked the thigh. JiU shuddered by what she saw.

Yoohyeon reattached the leg and held it for a while. Just like that the leg healed in its place. Yoohyeon resumed her interrogation, running the back of her sword down JiU's chest.

"It is simple JiU. I just want to know who you really are, and how did you get in my head. Do that for Mommy, and Mommy will treat you for dinner." Yoohyeon licked and bit gently JiU's neck, making her squirmed.

"No! No!" JiU resisted. Yoohyeon's hand grew wild, slowly unbuttoning JiU's shirt.

"Then answer my question. It's that easy." Yoohyeon whispered into JiU's ear, her hand gently caressing JiU's breast.

"I DON'T KNOW!! I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWER!!!" JiU screamed in tears. Yoohyeon cupped JiU's face in her hands, smiling at her. She licked away JiU's tears.

JiU's blood somehow reactivated her ability, making her hair and eyes glowed. Yoohyeon was taken aback by it, she stared at JiU in wonder. JiU suddenly remembered something. Something about what Calintz told her back in Russia.

"The ability is just like a roulette. When you gave your blood to someone, you never know what they would get." Calintz told JiU while sipping his beer.

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