Chapter 47: 14 Days To Go

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"What is this place?" Handong looked around her.

The place was enormous. They knew they were deep in the ocean since they jumped into a submarine to come to this place, but as as they can see? There's nothing resembling the ocean. There's even a sky, a big blue sky.

"Shadow Corps' main base. We have bases all over the world for our operatives, but this is where we trained our operatives. All the tech developments and resources came from this place. And here is where you're gonna spend your days until you pass the boot camp." Yua explained to them.

"Err, Yua. Are we going to be in the boot camp too?" CL asked Yua.

"Sure. Looking at what you guys are doing now, you definitely needed the boot camp more than those youngsters. I've been keeping tabs on you. No control on your power, operating based on emotion. You guys are a disgrace to Shadow Corps. You forgot all that I taught you and went with your merry ways." Yua scoffed.

All of Wolfpack and 21 groaned and hung their head low. Looking at their seniors, Dreamcatcher and Red Velvet developed a thought. Just what the hell is so scary about this boot camp that made 21 and Wolfpack shake in their boots?

"Cal, lead them all to the rec center. I need to get back to the admin building." Yua told Calintz and walked away.

"She's kinda distant. I thought she was your stepmother." JiU asked Calintz.

"Well, she's in the uniform. She needs to play the role. But in real life, she is the most caring and loving." Calintz patted on JiU's shoulder.

"Come on. We got a lot of times to admire the place. Trust me. You won't be able to see the depth of this place just by looking at the outer part." Dara grabbed Handong and Wendy and skipped ahead.

All of them followed behind Dara until they reached the recruitment centre. It was surprising enough such hidden organization has a recruitment ongoing. One had to wonder how they got recruits in; be it ads or hearsay. But upon entering, the place was empty and dead silence.

"Well, question's answered. Rec centre was built only by regulation." Dami snickered.

"No, cuz it was built for shitheads like you; self centered fuckheads who think they are righteous enough for our cause. But before completing boot camp, you dipshits are crying like a bitch and ran off to suck your momma's tits." A man suddenly appeared and walked to the counter.

"Holy shit! You're shitting me, right?" Handong gasped. With her, SuA and Dami.

The rest of the juniors looked at the trio in confusion. First by the potty mouthed man behind the counter, second by Handong, Dami, and SuA's reactions. They acted like they knew the guy.

"Do you know this dick?" Yeri asked them. The trio looked at them in disbelief.

"You guys don't know who that is? That's Ryan-fucking-Reynolds! He's killing the world with his Deadpool's movies! Merc with a mouth?" SuA replied in a high-pitched voice.

"Rey what now?" Gahyeon squinched her eyes.

"Millenials...." Dami scoffed, then walking briskly towards the counter, bowing 90°.

"Lee Yubin. Big fan! So, you're a Shadow operative too?" Dami held out her hand to greet him.

"Yeah.... Well, the franchise is not a big whoop. So that's okay, I guess..." Ryan grabbed Dami's hand and shook it. Dami was fangirling so hard she let a soundless shriek.

"Handong. Biggest fan. 6 Underground is my mantra." Handong came forward and repeated Dami's action followed by SuA. Ryan just gave them and awkward look and shook their hands.

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