Chapter 1

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Julian's POV


"Well here we go again." I mumbled to myself, as I pulled up to the school parking lot.

"I heard that." My dad chuckled, unlocking the door.

"And remember champ; keep your head held high!" He was trying to cheer me up. It wasn't working!

I opened the door, dragging my feet as I walked towards the entrance. You know, most people would love the first day of school, grade twelve even! But I dreaded the day. I hate school, waking up early and homework. It's just not my thing. I guess being gay doesn't help either, but at least the school doesn't know. That would be the death of me!

"Hey handsome!" someone yelled. I looked up to see my girlfriend Miley. She peered down at me with her hazel eyes. Miley had long brown hair and was extremely gorgeous. Honestly, if I was straight then I would think she was a goddess.

"Don't need to scare me like that!" I yelled back, pouting and crossing my arms. God I loved my hissy fits.

Don't ask me about Miley, yes I'm gay and I have a girlfriend. Confusing right? I guess I just want to fit in, having a girlfriend will help hide my secret. But Miley was also one of my closest friends, well besides Emily and Jake. I have been friends with them my whole life, I've only know Miley for a year.

"What's cooking good looking?" Emily said, running up to give me a big hug. Her blue eyes sparkling, I always found it odd how her blonde hair shined in the sunlight. Emily was the only one that I've told my secret to. That's another reason she is my best friend, she accepts me and makes me feel normal.

"Emily I can't breathe!" I growled. She loosened her grip as she gave me a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Ew, keep your saliva to yourself. I already had a shower today!" I yelled, causing them to laugh.

We all started walking into the school skipping with our arms jointed by the elbow.

"We're off to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz." I heard Em singing. I need to seriously rethink my friends. But what can I say, I like weird, it's the new fun!

We marched to the office to pickup our schedules. I had Em in all my classes and Jake in most. I only had Miley in my last class; History. I don't really mind though.

I started walking to English with Em and Jake when I realized we were walking through the jock hallway. The school decided to keep most of the jocks from last year, but they still needed to host tryouts anyway. I peered up at Dustin Rodriguez. Looking at him took my breath away. He is 6'2 towering over my 5'7, so I need to look up to him. He has a very manly figure, god I could eat his abs! But his best feature is his eyes. They are hazel, but look dark green. Coming back to reality I saw Em and Jake 10 feet ahead of me, giving me an odd look. Shrugging, I started running to them.


Time flew by fast, and it was lunch. Em and I about to enter the Cafeteria, I felt myself being pulled to the side.

"I saw you checking out Dustin earlier!" Em said cheerfully.. A little loud if you ask me.


"Ha, so you admit it!"

"No." I said crossing my arms.

"Come on Julian, you can't lie to me." Looking at the giant smile on her face makes me mad.

"He's cute; you should get to know him."

Just as I thought it couldn't get any more awkward Em's boyfriend Caleb showed up, giving her a lonesome kiss. They smiled and walked into the café, leaving me behind as if I was scraps for the wolves. Caleb gave me a death glare as they walked in. I don't know why but Caleb hates my very soul. He will give me dirty looks and push me into lockers. I will never tell Em, it will crush her.

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