Chapter 24

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Dustin's POV


This was so awkward, my family was starring at me, well except for my mom, she was hopping around like a bunny with a broken leg. James was trying to hold in his laughter, but eventually gave up and ran into the kitchen, I don't see the point though, the kitchen is right beside the front door and we could hear his monkey laugh loud and clear. I don't even know where to start, do i tell them the truth? Do I lie? Or do I just  play it cool and say my dad was joking?

"Her name is Jules." I facepalmed myself, why did I lie about my Julian? He's perfect, god i'm such an ass. My dad gave me the 'imdissapointedinyou' look, but he didn't say anything because it sorta is his fault i'm in this situation.

"Awh sweety, i'm the proud!" She hugged me agan. James walked back in from the kitchen with a michevious smirk, James you do anything and i'll smack that wolf right out of you!

"Mrs Rodriguez, I thught you always wanted a gay kid." He said laughing, I walked over and punched him in the arm.

"Woah, don't worry Dustin, I don't expect you to be gay." She chuckled. "And James, I do want a gay son, but i know because i'm married to a wolf, and wolves can't be gay." A feeling of guilt washed over me.

My dad made some point about how she'd rather be with a human so she could have a gay child, then they walked off arguing. Parents, they make no sence. Tommy patted me on the back and mumbled something like 'At least you're not a total embarrasment.' Or something like that, I didn't really care, nor did I want to deal with his bull today.

"You shouldn't have lied to them." Liz said, walking up to me. She gave me the whole lexture thing on lying, but can she really lexture me for lying, when she's lying herself?

"You havn't told your parents about Emily yet, she isyour mate afterall." 

"Because your parents would accept you, they're caring. Mine would disown me." I walked up to her and gave her a long hug, by the look on her face she needed it.

Liz and I walked to my dads study. We decided that we wanted to find these werewolf hunters, and try to reason with them. Or if we have to, take them down before they can harm the rest of our pack. My dad already had a file made about his research on the matter, Liz used her wolf strength to bend a metal rod and jam it in the door, so no one could come in. She's strong, but I could do better, haha.

"Hey, it says that one is only 17, we can handle him." Liz said, dancing around.

"yeah, but it's not just him. That 17 year old and his father run the HQ, but theres a lot of wolf hunters they have aquired. It doesn't say who the family is though, or have pictures."

I was a little shocked that he knew all that information but didn't have the names, or at least a picture. Unless he's trying to protect them, but why would he? So many questions, so little time.

"liz, i'll have to ask my dad questions later, well if he'll answer them. In the mean time we don't we go out for a run with James, we havn't done that in a long time..You know.. Since that happened."


I was getting ready to go for a run with James, Miley and Liz. They are the best friends a guy could ask for. I'm so happy that James and Miley realized they're mates, Liz and i are still lookng for our mates but we know we'll find them one day.

"Hurry up!" Liz and Miley yelled in unison. James and I hurried downstairs in our bathing suits. We were gonna run to the lake in our forest, it's like a small beach. And it's our favourit spot in this whole town. And we lie in California, theres a lot more spots that are more amazing than this.

"Guys, I swear. They lexture girls, but they always take longer." Miley said giggling, she kissed James and they walked ahead, out of the house.

Liz and I rolled our eyes and followed. We walked to the side of the house to take off our clothes. We can't leave them on when we change into our wolves or they'll rip into peices. Miley and James were undressing themselves behind a tree, giggling like kids. Liz and i undressed ourselves, behind seperate trees of course and changed into our wolves."

"Owooo!" Miley howled, running off in to the forest.

We all sped up to her. I've always loved the feeling off the wind rushing through my furr. Miley and James kept nipping at each other while we were running and Liz kept jumping at butterflies. Am I the only normal wolf? We jumped over a river, our paws brushing against the water, it was so refreshing. When we finally got to the beach we un-wolfed and changed back into our swim suits.

"That was a great run." Miley said, pulling out a bottle of vodka.

"Miley what are you doing?" I asked bluntly. "You know alcohol doesn't work on us."

"It works when you use this." She smirked pulling out a bottle of morphine, she poured it into the bottle. Morphine is a drug used t put humans to sleep, or make them feel no pain durring surgery. But for us wolves it only gives us the 'drunk' feeling.


After about an hour of drinking and dancing to some boom-box that's always left in a shed by the beach, we were all drunk out of our minds. Our eyes were bloodshot, and we felt numb. Everything was so vivid, it was a great feeling.

"Guys, let's play hide and go seek, drunk style?" Miley suggested. Giggling she into the forest with the vodka.

Laughing, I ran in after Miley. She always has the best hiding spots. I tripped over a few branches on the way there, but I was drunk, give me a break aye? I heard giggling inside a cave, found her! I ran in to hide with Miley.

"You found me baby!" Miley ran up and jumped in my arms, she kissed me. "Wait, you're not James." We both shurgged and started makingout.

The makingout was getting so intesne. I untied the back of her bikini, and the top came off. We heard giggling behind us and turned, we saw Liz in James's arms, they were kissing and bumping into the cave walls. Honestly I don't think they knew where they were going.

"James!" Miley yelled, jumping off me. She ran to him.

"Miley!" James yelled, dropping Liz, she scoffed and crossed her arms.

They started arguing about how they cheated on each other, but making rediculous points to their argument, it's fun watching drunk people argue.

"Why would you kiss a girl in a relationship!" Liz yelled in my face, good friend she is.

"Why would you kiss a guy in a relationship?" i yelled back.

We kept arguing back and forth. Miley slapped James and started walking out of the cave. Liz ran up to apologize, but Miley just punched her, making Liz fall to the floor. One by one every left at different times, avoiding bumping into each other. Eventually it was just me, starring at the cave ceiling. How could we let this happen?


So yeah, ever since then none of us have really talked.Miley and James brokeup, even though they're mates they're also both stubborn and kept avoiding each other. iz and I stopped talking, things just felt so awkward. We all lost friends that day, though James and i stayed friends because we've been through everything together.

"No, I don't really think we should all hangout again." Liz said, walking out of my dads study.


WOO :) another Dustin chap chap. So, you got a little looksey into Fustin's past, you found out the mystery wolf is Liz! (even thought most of you guessed it.) And oh, you found out Miley is also a wolf! Woot Woot.

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