Mirna and Carl

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White snow covered every street, every open surface, and even people's jackets as they walked down the street, which was lit up by the street lamps overhead.

A girl with long black hair shivered as she slowly walked to her destination. She was in no hurry, after all. The night was long in the winter, and as it was only around eight in the evening, the sun wouldn't be up for a while.

She was trembling. Not from the cold, but from the action she was preparing to take. After a while, she could see the white covered bridge. The girl felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, meaning that someone was calling her. She had put her phone on silent for a reason though, and she ignored the device, even as it continued to buzz against her thigh.

She faintly smiled, staring down at the water that was sloshing against the concrete beams that were supporting the bridge far down below. Thin and small bergs of ice floated just above the water.

The girl took a small bottle of pills out of the bookbag that hung against her back, and opened it. She poured the entire bottle into her hand, grabbing a water bottle from the bag too and taking the pills whole.

"This is more peaceful than I thought it was gonna be.." The girl sighed and rested her head against the bridge wall behind her. She took off her bag, and pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Unable to hold back her curiosity, she turned it on and unlocked it to see she had fourty two missed calls. All from 'Prince 💖'. She frowned.

"I'm sorry, Carl." She closed her eyes briefly before standing up and climbing over the wall so could be on top. The girl set her phone on the wall beside her and stood straight, the wind gently pushing her back, as if even the Earth was against her falling away like she wanted to. Her breathing became heavy from anticipation and soon she started to feel scared.

Salty and warm tears pooled in her eyes, breaking the surface and falling against her cold-nipped skin. She sniffled and wiped them away with the back of her hand, barely cleaning her cheeks as more tears continued to fall and stain her softly blushed skin.

But in the distance there was a cry, "Mirna!" And the girl jumped in surprise.

"Mirna! Wait!" The voice came closer, and soon the sound of quick running footsteps against the snowy ground became more apparent.

"..Carl?!" Mirna leaned forward to see if it was really him, or if she was hallucinating from the pills somehow, but as fate would have it, she slipped, her body falling from the bridge and down toward the freezing water below.

She heard a desperate shout from the man just before her body roughly broke the water's surface.


"Fuck!" Carl panted out heavily, his lungs and muscles hurting from running from so far for so long. He cursed and quickly ran back to the start of the bridge, where the sloping land that led to the water was, and sprinted down. Carl tripped over a mound of dirt and fell, his body roughly rolling down the rest of the way.

Carl groaned and tiredly pulled himself off the ground as best he could. He pulled his shoes and jacket off before he ran into the water, wading to where the girl's jacket floated against the water. He dived in, his eyes open in the water. His eyes stung as he dived deeper.

Then he saw her.

Her hair was floating around her face, her closed eyes and lips. Carl was beginning ro run out of breath. He felt warm tears from his eyes dissolve into the cold water as he swam towards her motionless form. He pulled her to the surface as soon as he got a hold of her. He gasped as he broke the surface, a sob leaving him as he dragged his lover through the cold water to land. Tears cleaned his eyes of the river water, and he desperately held her close to his drenched wet body when the water only reached his thighs and he couldn't pull her through the water anymore.

He lied her against the muddy ground and wiped her wet and inky black hair away from her emotionless face. It looked like she was sleeping, even with blue lips and pale skin.

"Mirna?!" Carl put his head her chest to listen for a heartbeat, sitting there for around a minute in denial. "No." He tried to say firmly say, but his voice shook. He sat up and positioned himself like he had seen in the movies, his hands against her unmoving chest, his body to her right. He harshly did the compressions, before he suddenly realized that he could call an ambulance.

Then Carl remembered that his phone was in his jacket pocket. He bolted up and looked around, quickly spotting the piece of clothing. He sprinted toward it and grabbed it, bringing it over to Mirna's body. His hands shaking, he pulled the phone out, and dialed the emergency number.


(Unfinished from here on --2024)

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