Chapter 2

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Finally we were at the front of the queue after about 20 minutes and I can feel the Goosebumps forming on my arm. The security guard called for Casey to go through as she walked towards the table where they were sitting she quickly turned around to look at me and silently screamed causing me to laugh at her. I watched as Cas spoke to James and I couldn't help the wave of excitement that washed over me. When she finally moved on to Connor who was sat next on the table it was my turn to approach James.

"Hey." He said sweetly offering me a warm smile showing his perfect white teeth.

"Hi." I manage squeak back. Smooth Brook, Smooth my subconscious taunts me. I smile weakly trying to hide my embarrassment. I reach into my bag and take out my album and hand it to James.

"What's your name?" He asks looking up at me through his lashes. Omg he is beautiful.

"B...Brook." I manage to stutter out. He laughs slightly before taking his pen and signing my album. "To Brook love James ;) x" it says.

"Thank you." I say as he hands the album back to me.

"You're welcome." He replies smiling at me again. "Have a nice day Brook." He said before placing his sharpie in between his teeth and winking at me as I walked away from him.

"Hey Beautiful." Connor greets me with a wink. His blue eyes lock on mine and it sends a chill down my spine. His brown hair is set in soft waves going left across his forehead looking messy but, perfect at the same time. He is wearing a plain white t-shirt with a blue and black tartan shirt over the top.

"Hey." I respond with a wink. Oh God. I bring my hands up to cover my face as he laughs at me. I lower my hands from my face and hand him the album. I can feel my cheeks burning up and I know that I am bright red. "I like your nose ring" I say trying to diffuse the tension.

"Thanks." He chuckles, obviously aware of my embarrassment. Connor hands me back my album which he signed saying "Brook I like your face ;) lots of love Connor." Once I read what he has written I look up at him and laugh.

"Thanks Con." I say through my laughter.

"I like your laugh too, it's cute." He replies smiling at me. The girl next to me coughs really obnoxiously making me look away from Connor.

"Sorry." I say apologetically to the obviously pissed off girl next to me. "Bye." I wave to Connor as I walk to the next person on the table. TRISTAN!

"Hello." He says as I approach him. He looks perfect. His hair is pulled off his face by a red bandana and he is wearing a plain white t-shirt like Connor but, with a demi jacket. He smiles at me and it makes me melt.

"Hey." I rely trying to sound as calm and collected as possible in this situation. I hand him the album that is in my hand. As he reaches to take it from me his finger accidentally brushes my hand and it makes all the hairs on my arm stand up. He scribbles something om my album before looking up locking eyes me as he hands it back to me. My mouth is so dry; my tongue shoots out of my mouth to lick my lips so they don't look dry.

"Don't stick your tongue out, unless you plan to use it." Tristan says in a low voice that I just about manage to catch what he says. I gasp as a smile spreads across his face.

"Brook." I pull my eyes to look up from Tristan to the source of who said my name. Connor is leaning across the table. "You forgot your pen." I look at him a confused look plastered on my face.

"That's not..."

"No need to thank me." He says cutting me off a smug smile playing on his lips.

"Erm... Thanks?" I respond still confused taking the pen from Connor. I look up to the girl who is stood next to me and if looks could kill I'd be dead. It's not my fault Connor is talking to me when it's her time with him. "Bye Tris." I say looking back down to him.

"Bye Brook, it was nice meeting you." He says looking as confused as I am.

"You to." I smile at him as I make my way to Brad.

"Alright?" Brad asks as I move to stand in front of him.

"Yes thanks, you?" I reply.

"I'm good thanks." He smiles. "So what's your name?" he asks, he is obviously just doing it to be polite because he can clearly see it on the album I have just handed to him.

"Brook." I reply with a smile.

"Cool Name."

"Thanks." I say as he hands me back my album.

"Have a good day." He says as I head over to where Casey is standing.

"You to." I call.

"OMG THAT WAS AMAZING!" Casey shout in my face as I walk over to her.

"I KNOW." I yell back. I turn to look back at the boys sat on the table and I notice Connor staring at me. I smile at him and he quickly turns his attention back to the girl in front of him, obviously not wanting to me spotted staring at me.

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