c h a p t e r - o n e

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Stepping out into the big bad world, well honestly it's just the pavement and cars passing by while neighbours walk passed me waving. People were so nice here, I mean in Chicago people were nice...they would ignore us and carry on with what they were doing, yeah that's considered nice to me. Today was my first day at a new school, I even told my mom that there was no point in us moving but she said there were too many memories in our old house, what she meant was she couldn't deal with living in the house where her, me and dad were happy. Dad and Mom had a divorce a couple months ago, it hit me like a ton of bricks they shook it off and said some people just fall out of love, and I put a smile on my face and carried on like nothing happened.

'Have fun at school, here's money if you need it.' Mom said, handing me some money as she stood by the door wrapping her robe around herself. She was a beautiful woman at the age of 44, she had dark brown chocolate waist length hair that hadn't managed to get grey yet but I could tell she coloured her hair secretly. Mom had brown eyes and a tan skin, she got dad's initials tattooed on her back in between her back dimples, she didn't regret it after the divorce, said it was a memory.

'Bye mom, I'll call you after I get home.' I said, walking down the street towards where the school would be. I hugged my leather jacket closer to me as the wind picked up making my red hair flew back, it was a windy morning but the guy on weather part of the news had said it would be a sunny afternoon, somehow I doubted it. I could hear my phone's ringtone in my bag, so I stopped to get it out and it flashed "dad" across the screen, I debated whether I should pick up or not and I decided I should.

'Hello?' I asked, as I started walking again

'Hi sweetie, just called to say hope you enjoy your first day.' I heard dad say, I could hear the smile in his voice which made me growl. He knew how much I was dreading this day

'I hope you're being sarcastic.' I said then I heard laughter through the other side of the phone.

'I miss you.' He said, his laughter dying down

'I miss you too, dad.' I said as I rounded a corner.

'How's your mom holding up?'

'She puts a smile on her face since we have been here, it's obvious that she hates the idea of you not being there even if she doesn't say it.' I say the big school lands in front of my eyes, not literally of course I can just see it.

'Just....just say I said hi to her okay?'

'I will, I have to go now.' I said as I walked passed many students looking at me with a curious gaze

'Okay, have fun.' I hear the smile again and I laugh a little as I hang up. Time to find the office, yippee. Note the sarcasm. It took me at least 10 minutes to find the office which was actually close to the entrance, it was just like a normal office would be a desk computer and a lady behind it not meaning to sound sexist or anything.

'Hi, I'm a new student at this school.' I said nervously as I talked to the lady sitting on the chair typing away on her laptop, she had blonde hair and I couldn't see her eyes just yet as she concentrated on her screen...I felt as if I was being ignored, and was about to say something when the receptionist looked up at me and smiled handing me a couple of things.

'Here you go, Cora. There is your locker combination number, timetable and a map of the school. I'm Miss Fuller the school's receptionist.' She said. I almost gaped at her quickness and organisation but instead said a little "thank you" before walking out of the reception and towards my first class since I didn't have anything to put in my locker. I didn't see where I was going and I ended up bumping into something that felt like a wall, looking up I saw a pair of blue eyes looking down at me.

'Sorry.' I whispered looking down and blushing. This guy was hot! The second I had a chance to look at him, I saw he had brown hair and some of it fell over his blue eyes, he had strong cheekbones and a tight smile, his body....well I could see he worked out, his eight pack through his black wife beater and that was all because he was wearing a black leather jacket, he wore dark jeans and combat boots.

'Watch where you're going.' He said, huskily....making shivers go down my spine and made my body warm. After steadying me, he turned to go and left me there feeling slightly dizzy and swoony...is that even a word?

'Are you ok?' A girl came over and asked me, she was a black haired girl and she was looking at me with concern.

'Yeah. Who was that?' I asked, she looked behind me and her mouth turned into an 'o' shape.

'That's Cole Matthews, school bad boy and player...and some other things, including being my older brother.' My head snapped to look at her, and you see the resemblance.

'I'm Cora.' I said, she smiled at me

'I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Jessie. What do you have for first period?' She asked me

'English.' I said, her eyes lit up

'So do I, come on. I'll tell you more about him.' I nodded as she linked arms with me.

Cole's P.O.V

"Thank you for my punishment, Master.' Alice said, I winked at her and she giggled. She got out of my room and I slumped down onto my bed where me and my sub Alice just had sex, or celebrated her punishment. I lit up my cigarette and took in a deep breathe of it before letting it out, putting my arm behind my head I stared up at my ceiling.

'Dude hurry up!' I looked to my door to see one of my best friends Damien standing there, him and these other two called Nicholas or Nick and Adrian. They are doms too, and sometimes we share subs, we have known each other since diapers so we're comfortable sharing subs....we are not gay....strictly not gay.

'Give me a minute.' I said before he closed the door. I went in for my shower did my shitty morning routine and then got dressed, I took an apple on the way out before kissing my mom's cheek and I was out the door.

'Heard there was a new girl coming in today.' Said Nick, I turned to him and smirked so did the other guys.

'I call dibs.' Says Adrian, Nice and Damien groan and argue while I light up another cigarette. We drove to school in Adrian's car, once we got to school and got out of our car girls gave us flirtatious looks while guys waved and some cowered away.

'You're smoking.' My little sister pops up in front of me and states the obvious. Even though she's a Dom, she can be pretty annoying but act like a 5 year old at the same time which always bugged me.

'No shit.' I said walking around her, the guys were still with me but Adrian had gone off to a girl while Nick smokes and Damien texts.

'Well then stop!' She exclaimed raising her voice a little.


'Please, for me! Your awesome and adorable sister.' I turn to her and she's giving me a pouty look.

'You know, if a sub of yours sees you doing that, their respect for you might disappear.' She got a little teary but had a scowl on her face making me sigh. 'Look, Nick is smoking.' I said pointing to Nick, Jessie looks at Nick and has a look of disgust on her face.

'Yeah, but I don't care if Nick dies.'

'Hey!' Shouts Nick. I groaned before taking out my fag and dropping it on the floor and squishing it.

'Happy?' I said, she does a little happy dance making me roll my eyes. 'Weirdo.' I say.

'You going in?' Nick asks, I nodded at him while checking the time. I want to check out the new girl before I go to class, something tells me she will be a good sub. 'I'll come in later.' Nick said. Walking into school girls winked at me and were fixing their tops, did I not mention that not only am I good in bed but I am in a gang too? Everyone here knew that, sounds cocky but Doms can be bad boys just not always in the bedroom. As I keep walking someone bumps into me making me look up at them

This girl has red hair and brown eyes, you could have seen her from a mile away. Her face was clear and she looked scared when she saw me, it looked as if she was checking me out but I couldn't say anything to her because I was doing the same. I spotted my sister walking towards the girl and I instantly snapped out of it.

'Watch where you're going.' I said, then walked off. I smirked as I walked into the class, this girl could be an exciting new sub...

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