Final Fall

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In a heartbeat the entire world fell in to chaos. . .

One. One thousand-   London

Two. One thousand-  Tokyo


Three. One thousand- Los Angels

   An eruption of black and magenta smog flooded every swewer hole and drain covering thousands in a thick fog. Pushing and shoving of people running from all sorts of directions. Siloutes of people in the near distance and a few cars are in view but the people are being swept down. There are screams that follow but the person looks fine as he gets up...  they all get up a little too slowly...

A man by the name of Nick, good man who lives in his car ... things arnt going good for nick. The fog is the only thing he can see from his windows but his hand shakes as he trys to start his engine. But first he locks his doors, smart nick but not the best choice, theres a click of the doors that turn all the siloutes facing him. Bright red eyes face him and flock to his car rocking it back and forth.

He started his engine and pressed the petal to the floorboard and possibly running over a person. (+10 hit points). The car zips off leaving the mindless people behind on the ground.


Ten. One thousand- Paris


The news couldn't travel fast enough for anyone to be prepared enough. People around the world were becoming soulless puppets doing the bidding of there master.

Within the next 24 hours there would be billions of people who would beg her for mercy. They probally would give her lavish things, power, loyalty... she would be on top of the world and have them bring the bug and kitten to her.

Only one little obstacle left.

"HEARTBREAKER! What is this?! Im reciving news all over the world of an outbreak of strange rats and purple from the sewers! What-"

"Dont get fussy with me Hawkmoth! I know your safe in that fortified little castle of yours. Hiding away while the rest of the world turns to shit... so sad its going to end."

"You-! How did you?!"

"Come on Hawkmoth- oops sorry. I mean Gabriel Agreste. You see I found the little bug-girl running away with my kawami and funny thing too-".  Hawkmoth could hear a hollow chuckle standing alone in his sanctum. The butterflies swarmed away from the walls surrounding him in a field of glowing white wings.

"-She lead me to your house and why would that be... One of your boys is  Chat noir it has to be. Postive and negative like a compass! I guess it was my luck or mabey my akuma's nature to sense you. Hiding in the dark. Hahahaha!!"

There were deep humms of metal shifting weight as the reinforced plexi glass vibrated at the base. Gabriel could see a building mass of small black objects rising from the base up his large window on the wall.

"Your just as responsible as HE is! If it wernt for either of you I wouldnt have to be like this!!None of this would have happened!!

[Crack. ]

The first crack was large and Gabriel made a dash to the elevator. Halfway to his office the cracks of the window cracked more and more until it shattered. Swarms of rats flooded the room in waves covering the floor. Gabriel was half way in his office before the power was cut. He could see the rats rising gently up the elevator shaft.

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