Chapter 3 - Movin'On

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On the first day of eighth grade, a young Zoey Brooks thought she had met her best friend and eventually a possible future husband in the sweet, funny and clumsy Chase Matthews. They became instant best friends and after three years of friendship they thought they were ready to take things to the next level and become boyfriend and girlfriend. But unfortunately, when you're on opposite sides of the world, Zoey realized that her happy ending with Chase would have to wait and was moving on to second best. Though things between her and Logan were heating up, she still couldn't get Chase out of her mind.

"What do you mean he asked you to promise him that you'll stay single?" Quinn asked in confusion.

"What did you two even talk about?" Asked Lola.

"Well..." Zoey began to say.

*Hey Chase.

Oh hey Zoe, how are you?

I'm good, what did you want to tell me?

Nothing really, I just wanted to talk to you and see how you are doing.

Oh, I'm fine. I just got home actually.

Where'd you go?

Just out with the girls. She lied.

Hey, can I talk to you about something?

Sure? What did you have in mind?

Listen I know we decided to pick up where we left off next semester, but there's something I wanted to know if you'd do for me?

Yeah, what is it?

A promise.

What kind of promise?

One where the both of us will stay single until we're together again next semester.

Don't you think that's a little crazy?

Look, you don't have to make up your mind right now, but I just don't want to lose you to anyone else.

Listen, I'll think about it okay?

Okay, just let me know alright?

I will.

I love you Zoe.

I love you too Chase.* And that's how our conversation went."

"So what are you going to do about Logan?"

"I Don't know. If I see him tomorrow I'll talk to him, but for now I need some sleep."

"Well Good night Zoe." Said Quinn.

"Good night Zoey." Said Lola.

"Goodnight." She said. Tomorrow when she sees Logan she'll ask him what to do about Chase.

The next day was Sunday. She had a much better Saturday night with Logan than she did with Chase the previous week, but now she had a problem involving her newfound relationship with the hot yet arrogant at times Logan Reese. She got up, got dressed and made her way to the guys room. She finally got there and knocked on the door and Michael answered.

"Hey Michael." She said.

"Morning Zoey." He replied.

"Is Logan awake?" She asked.

"No, he's still sleeping. But if you want you can come in here and try waking him up."

"Why me?"

"Because the last time I woke him up, I let Logan-zilla loose, but I'm sure if you wake him up he'll be less mad."

"Okay?!" Zoey said as Michael let her in and there layed her slumbering hunk on the bottom bunk. "What shall I do to him?" Zoey said as she looked at Logan and his bed and took notice that one of his barefeet were poking out from under his blanket. "Ooh, I know what to do." Zoey said as she walks over and sat at the bottom of the bed.

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