Chapter 9 - The Rumor

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It had been a week since James started living with the guys. Michael was fine with the arrangement, it was Logan and James that were still adjusting to each other. Even though he "apologized" to James for being rude when he first moved in, he was still secretly jealous of the tall blonde. One day Logan and Michael were sitting outside at a table when James started walking towards them. "Hey do you guys know the best place to get lunch?" He asked.

"Do I look like the PCA directory board!" Logan spat.

"No, but I was thinking that the three of us..."

"How many dates do you have a week?" Logan asked.


"Before I started dating Zoey, my average was three!"

"Good for you!?"

Then Zoey joined the three guys, she bent over and kissed Logan's cheek. "What are you guys up to?" She asked.

"Well Logan was just telling me that before he started dating you, his average number of dates a week was three."

"Are you mocking me?" Logan asked as he scoffed.

"Kinda." James said making Zoey and Michael laugh.

"It's Not Funny!" Logan spat.

Michael stopped and said, "That's so not funny."

"But you laughed!?" James said confused.


"Michael, let's go somewhere else." Logan said getting up and walking away without even kissing or hugging Zoey.

"Yeah they make me feel at home, especially Logan." James said sarcastically.

"Don't worry Michael just misses his hot tub and Logan can be a..."

"Jerk?" James said.

"You catch on quick?"

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you like him?" He asked.

"It's complicated. But when he's overly obnoxious, just poke him in the sides." She says as James looks at her confused. "He's really ticklish there." Zoey clarified.

"Okay!? My second question is do you know a good place to get lunch?"

"Oh you want to have lunch?" She said a little peppy.


"Oh you weren't asking me to have lunch with you."

"Unless you want to?"

"Sure, Sushi Rox is just up the hill, if you don't mind hills?"

"Or sushi."

"You don't like sushi."

"I love sushi, to the hill."

"To the Hill.

"Oh and you sure Logan won't mind?"

"Don't worry, if he gives me a hard time I'll just put him in timeout. But we should probably not tell him." She smiled.

As they walked and talked to Sushi Rox, little did they know that Rebecca was spying on them. 

Logan walked around campus with a picture of himself and one of James and went up to every cute girl he could find.

"Hey ladies, how are you girls today?" He asked.

"Fine, how are you Logan?" They asked.

"I gotta ask who do you think is better looking, me or this guy?" He asks holding up the two pictures side by side.

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