Chapter 12 - Telling Logan

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It was the following week and Zoey, Quinn and Lola were getting ready to head to their first class. As always, Logan was right on schedule to walk with Zoey and Quinn to physics, even if it meant being late to his first class. Every morning before he goes to Zoey's, he stops at a coffee cart to get the girls and himself coffee. And yes Calvin was still overcharging Logan, but now he was down to paying $200 dollars and Zoey and the girls were still getting their stuff for free because of how kind they treated everyone when coffee was banned. "Hey girls." He said as he walked in and sat on his girlfriend's bed.

"Hey Logan." Quinn and Lola say at the same time.

"And last and certainly not least, the Best girl I know."

"You're so cute." Zoey said as she kissed his cheek.

"I know." He said as he began to blush. "How are you today my love?"

"I'm feeling a little nauseous but I'll be okay."

"You sure? If you want, I could take you to the nurse."

"No, I'll be fine but thank you." Zoey said as she kissed him again.

He takes a deep breath and says, "Okay."

"Did you get our coffee?" She asked the young heartthrob.

"Yup, one for Quinn, grandiose javaccinoes for myself and Lola and lastly a caramel latte with cream and sugar."

"And that's why you're the world's greatest boyfriend."

"Oh and I got you a muffin, chocolate chip too."

"Aww Logie bear." Zoey says as she hugs him. "How much did Calvin charge you today?"

"$200 today, so he's getting less mad at me."

"That's good hopefully."

"Yeah... So... You almost ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, Quinn are you ready?" Zoey said.

"Yup, let's go."

"Alright, we'll see you later." Zoey said to Lola as they exited the room and headed to the girls' physics class. While on the way there, Logan was telling the girls some story that they had no idea what he was talking about but they didn't say anything because they knew how much Logan loved to talk about himself. They finally got to class, Quinn went inside while Zoey and Logan stood out in the hall and kissed. As they kissed, James walked by and said hi to Zoey before walking into class. "Hey James." She said. She then turned back around to see her boyfriend glaring at her. "What?"

"Nothing, I just... I just don't trust him still."


"It doesn't mean I don't like him, him and we have gotten cool with each other. It's just..." She leans in and kisses him again, "What was the for?"

"To make you understand that I love you and only you."

"You don't sit next to him, do you?"

"No, I sit with Quinn. Now I have to go to class and you do too."

"But that means I'm going to miss you."

"I'll see you at lunch."

"Okay... later Zoe."

"Love you Logan."

"Love you too babe."

Later that day, Lola was sitting at their lunch table, when Logan walked up to her. "What's up?" He said as he placed his tray on the table and turns around to put his book bag on the back of his chair.

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